University makes new rule

<p>Apparently there is a new rule that I need a C in this class to move on. They never gave any warning of this. I would have dropped my class if I knew a D would mean nothing. One of my advisers admits it should have been handled better. Due in part to a new no partial credit rule initiated for that class, its my only D I ever got. Would a note from my old professor help (talking about the new rule and no curve or how my grade was closer to a C). This leaves me at 6 credits and screws me over badly in terms of graduation rate. Any advise on this would help greatly! :(</p>

<p>Retake the class and move on. C- doesn’t cut it at my school.</p>

<p>^Best advice you’re gonna get. A C is standard in all the schools I’ve seen/attended.</p>

<p>How is a D considered a passing grade at any school?</p>

<p>At some schools, D might be considered “barely passing” in terms of credit, but not suitable for continuing on to a more advanced course that it is a prerequisite for, or for fulfilling subject credit for a major or some other requirements.</p>