University of Alabama Housing Scholarships

@gusmahler <<<was basing it on the cost of housing, which is $6k to $10k…

I still don’t understand your point. I posted that the ACT 32 student gets $19k per year and if he also gets the one-time $4k per year scholarship to go towards housing, how would that be more than what the ACT 33+ students get???

@docndonna scholarships that cover housing are taxable. Scholarships that cover tuition, fees and books are not taxable.

The Housing scholarship looks to be taxable. The RA supplied housing is fuzzier and looks like it is not taxable:

One schools approach:

A. All RAs are required to live in the residence halls.
B. All RAs receive remission of room, board, basic telecommunications, and basic cable fees as compensation.
C. RAs receive a remission of room and board costs. The value of room and board is not taxable income and is not subject to
income tax withholding, social security, Medicare and FUTA taxes because room and board is provided for the convenience
of Resident Life and the University; the meals are provided on-campus, and living in the residence halls is a condition of your
employment and an essential factor in the RA’s ability to perform your duties.”

My son received a letter in the mail offering him a $4000 housing scholarship for his freshman year. It came a week or two ago. Hope this helps!