University of Alabama RD 2021

Hey guys, this is a discussion board for the UofAlabama class of 2021 RD, hopefully we can speak on here. Post your stats and decisions!

Hey, I’ve been accepted to University of Alabama for this Fall. Haven’t heard about scholarship though. What about you?

@nowisgone I’m still waiting to hear back, I applied the week going into winter break, and I know that they received my materials. What were your stats if you don’t mind me asking?

@nowisgone when did you hear?

I applied on December 15 and received my acceptance letter on Jan 22. I had some decent stats I’d say. 1430 on Redesigned SAT and an A* and few B’s in A level. They did ask me to send a statement about my Gap Year Activities and I think that was a bit impressive.

Please, do inform me when you hear from them. University of Alabama would be a good choice if they do offer me scholarship as expected.

@nowisgone wow that’s awesome! I’m sure the U of A will be happy to have a student like you! I’ll let you know when I get my decision.

@nowisgone when you saw your acceptance, did they email you first or?

Yeah, I received an email with the Acceptance Letter attached. They might have mailed it as well but I haven’t checked for mail yet.

Okay gotcha @nowisgone

still waiting

@nowisgone I GOT IN!


@mishk90 Awesome. Congrats ! So, did you hear anything about scholarship?

@nowisgone hmm nope, I didn’t receive anything about a scholarship- hby? I didn’t apply for FA so i don’t know if that corresponds to it


Bama is rolling admissions, but I mean I found out almost 2 months later because I needed to send more stuff

@Southlander Alabama is rolling admissions

Doesn’t RD mean ‘regular decision’? Is that the same as ‘rolling admissions’?

I think for Bama, EA is equivalent to before the December 15 priority deadline and RD is after that.