University of Alabama scholarships?

I am out of state and have a 35 ACT and 4.56 GPA, which qualifies me for the full tuition scholarship (32-36 ACT). However, I will still have to pay an approximate 15,000 per year for room and board, meal plans, and other costs. Does University of Alabama typically give out any other scholarships besides these merit-based ones?

Did you see this list: The UA subforum here is very active…maybe ask your question there. But yes, we found that my son would need to pay 12K-14K per year (depending on housing and meal plan choices) after the scholarship benefits. Still a very good deal…

Moving to the UA forum

Are you a likely NMF?

My son’s test scores were several points lower than yours and although he didn’t get additional aid from Bama (other than the $2500/year for engineering students), he did receive over $7500 in local scholarships (most were single year awards, one was renewable for all 4 years).

I would encourage you to look for additional scholarships from local organizations/businesses. The way that the scholarships are worded at Bama if you have additional awards from outside you will still receive the full amount of the award from Bama.

A few years ago UA would offer additional money to certain high stat kids under what I believe was called the Presidential Elite Scholarship. Tha name seems to have disappeared in recent years but I believe the money is still available under certain circumstances. The problem is I believe the scholarships are allocated at the discretion of the Director of Admissions so you would need to contact her and sell yourself.

If you retest and get a 36, you’ll almost certainly get that Presidential Elite award.

Are you a likely NMF? If so, then you’ll get more.

Are you an eng’g or CS major? If so, then you’ll get more money.

You’d have until December (of senior year) to retest, if you want to try for the 36. You can apply now, and retest in the fall.

Hi, does anyone know if we need teacher recommendation letters/counselor letters for the merit-based scholarships?

No, you do not need recommendation letters for UA’s merit scholarships. Save those for other, outside scholarships :smiley: