University of Alabama Tuscaloosa vs. University of Alabama Huntsville EE/CE

<p>Alabama is not a “business school that has engineering.” A university with 3,000 engineering students that has recently built 800,000 square feet of new STEM space should not be discounted in such a way. I would guestimate that Bama once SEC completes within the next year, Bama will have about 2 million square feet of STEM space. That’s amazing, and few schools can make such a claim. </p>

<p>The B school does NOT graduate more students with bachelors than A&S. </p>

<p>At my son’s graduation in 2011…A&S bachelors listings were on 8 pages. Business bachelors were on 6 pages. All the same font and columns…each page has about 120 names. I’ve got the program right here…just counted. </p>

<p>And, going back a few years, the counts for Bachelor graduations of A&S and the B-school were close, but A&S still had more. </p>

<p>While I agree that for too long Bama let Auburn be the engineering school in the state, but several years ago, because of the huge growth in STEM jobs in the state, Bama (and likely Sen Shelby and the feds) realized that Bama could become another leading eng’g school in the state. </p>

<p>But again, to suggest that Bama is a business school with engineering is misleading and suggests that the school treats its Col of Eng’g as some kind of underfunded afterthought.</p>

<p>Well said Mom! The nearly completed SEC Complex, and the recent hires of top young faculty (given the dramatic rise in enrollment) are major game changers for UA.</p>

<p>UAH scholarship application is available as of today. Took a look at it and it requires another 2 essays plus 2 recommendations – I thought the merit scholarships were automatic if you have the stats??? Definitely more work than UA’s scholarship application!!</p>

<p>hmmm…so the UAH scholarship app requires LORs and two essays? I don’t know if that’s new or not. </p>

<p>The UAH scholarship grid doesn’t say anything about essays or LORs, but it does seem to have some new wording about their awards being for high school seniors entering as first time frosh…I think that wording is new. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>It’s not new. I remember my daughter getting the recommendations two years ago. I think she did essays also.</p>

<p>UAH will only take LOR’s electronically. They will not take any paper version. The person in charge of the scholarships said if the teacher refuses to send it electronically and follow their rules – find another teacher to write the LOR. It gives me the perception on how inflexible they are and frankly, a negative perception (due to the wording of the email). Scholarship app. will be put on the back burner for now.</p>