University of Alabama vs Florida State University

<p>Hi guys!
So, I was accepted to the University of Alabama and I am planning on majoring in Psychology(on the pre-med track.) Once I visited FSU I was dead set on attending there, but after visiting the University of Alabama I am a little unsure because the campus and Tuscaloosa in general was so nice and clean compared to Tallahassee. Can someone please compare these schools for me in any way possible? Any input will be helpful! Thank you</p>

<p>What do you want to know?</p>

<p>Are you instate for FSU?</p>

<p>Do you qualify for any scholarships at Bama? at FSU?</p>

<p>Would the cost be similar or what?</p>

<p>What are your parents saying about cost? how much will they pay?</p>

<p>Yes, Bama has a much prettier and better kept campus than FSU…there’s no comparison there. lol </p>

<p>But, what else do you want to know?</p>

<p>I was a phd student at FSU, and really didnt enjoy the city, though i made good friends there. I think i might have enjoyed FSU more if the apartment options had been better. There is a high crime area adjacent to FSU on its north side, but i parked there a lot cause it was fairly close to campus and the campus parking is basically always full, unless u get t here really early. I think the school spirit is better since the NC. And like UA, FSU has a beautiful new gym.</p>

<p>Forgot to mention that the periphery of FSU is kinda sad. A very busy four lane road to the west and north, just below a high crime area. And to the south , an industrial looking area.</p>

<p>my daughter chose Alabama over FSU and she is so glad. She loves Alabama and, we agree, Florida State environment not the greatest.</p>

<p>We were just disappointed in how messy FSU was. While there was some rebuilding going on, too many of the structures looked ignored.</p>

<p>Alabama vs. Florida State? We’ll decide that in January.</p>

<p>Oh, that’s not what you meant?</p>

<p>Alabama definitely has the better football stadium :)</p>


<p>We have the same decision to make. Lots of pluses for both schools! Alabama has been showering her in lots of love since her acceptance with even a personal call to the house from engineering. Excellent public relations.</p>

<p>FSU is at a distinct dis-advantage having to share its College of Engineering with the trainwreck that is Florida A & M… Its College of Engineering is not even located on FSU’s campus. It does have a medical school, but its not focused on research. </p>

<p>The FSU marching band and music school are top notch, among the best in the country though. They did a half-time show this past weekend featuring Beyonce songs that was amazing. </p>

<p>Tell us Atlanta68, why is the joint engineering school a trainwreck?</p>

<p>Institutional problems that are well known in Tally, and my own experience doing research on the A&M campus.</p>

<p>I didn’t say the joint program was a train wreck, but having to share it with that school is not helpful.</p>

<p>My oldest child graduated from FSU in 2010. Middle child set to attend Bama next school year. Tally does tend to look dingy and seedy. However, my D had the best time there. It is a major party school. She managed to balance the academics and fun. She also joined a sorority. However, it amounted to lots of distractions. You must stay focused or you may be a 7th year senior, lol. My D did manage graduation in 4 years and now has an excellent job. </p>

<p>The facilities at Bama are way better than they are in Tally. I like the Bama campus much better than the FSU campus. FSU is pretty, but not like Bama. </p>

<p>Also, I notice that the Florida public schools are not as good as Bama at making students feel like they are part of a community (other than as football fans). </p>

<p>Having to share anything with FAMU can’t be a good thing. I remember my daughter saying that the weekend FAMU had homecoming was the time to leave Tally for the weekend as there were shootings, etc. Not good. Train wreck is a good description for FAMU.</p>

<p>FSU was pretty much off my D’s list after visiting and finding that the anthropology dept is located in a nearby, seemingly neglected shopping center, which told us something about how some depts are regarded over others. On the school tour, having to take a bus to get from one part of campus to another was a big negative. The school’s recent, very controversial hiring of John Thrasher as president put the school’s priorities front and center. Off the list of consideration for us (Florida residents). I do not know much about Alabama, but it does seem that their honors program offers more than those of most of the Florida schools (including FSU).</p>