University of Alabama

@ClarinetDad16 Scholarships at UA leave lots of room for the travel expenses!! :-). And houndstooth accessories. It’s just the way it is.

^nobody said there weren’t good schools closer to NY. But full tuition scholarships with a 32 ACT are not guaranteed there

As a family where the final 2 schools were UA and UF, I must say that flying out of Gainesville, or driving to JAX, or TPA, is no cake-walk either.

Jus’ sayin’ . . . (no offense @ClarinetDad16).

Just saw this - and as much as students may complain about a particular convenient dining hall not living up to some of the other eating opportunities on UA campus, this is a nice mention on how UA rates with other colleges state by state:

Here are some interesting facts about UAH and the improvements to that campus.

UA’s have been bigger scale transformation, but for someone that has very high stats and very thin college budget (meaning they can qualify at UAH for full tuition and for housing):

Just sayin’. :slight_smile:

I wanted to also suggest looking into UAH. Like many others here, we learned so much about UAH and what it has to offer right here on CC. My son is now a freshman in Computer Science and loves it! Here is another link to check out too while you are researching schools. Huntsville is the #1 city for STEM graduates!

Thank you SOSConcern for your link.

We felt immediately at home on our first visit to UAH and Huntsville. Everyone is so friendly! We are from Northern Virginia and fly direct from Dulles to Huntsville in two hours for about $250 (the first time we found a rate for $200). Good luck in your college search! It’s such a fun time.

Yes, UAH and UAB are also great options for a lot of out-of-state kids. That’s one of the reasons I (a “shameless” Bama “homer”) pushed to get each school its own separate forum here on CC. Check 'em out if you’re in the exploratory phase: