University of Arizona/ASU admission?

<p>So I’m freaking out right now, as many other seniors are. My gpa is 2.5 with 1520 SAT score and with 17 college credits (more by summers end) and including this year 3 AP classes and 1 Honors total in high school. I’m scared my gpa won’t cut it for Arizona considering I’m from California. My extra curriculars are ridiculous though, I have A LOT. Help?: /</p>

<p>You’ll get in because a 2.5 or higher is what they are looking for. Plus your Ec will help you look more appealing to them.You even have college credit so that puts you ahead of a lot of people. DId you take classes at a community college? I wouldn’t stress it. Just enjoy your senior year, you have a high chance of getting in.</p>

<p>Ya ever since high school started I’ve taken math courses, science courses, etc. It does look good the only thing weighing me down is my gpa but we’ll see how it goes. Haven’t applied yet</p>

<p>I’d recommend you apply sooner rather than later, the later you apply the less spaces they have available for admission… they just sent out their first wave of acceptances on monday</p>

<p>You think I’d have a better chance getting accepted if I apply in the next week than in early December?</p>


<p>Don’t worry about your GPA.</p>

<p>I’ve been talking to the people at the Admissions office.</p>

<p>They don’t use SAT scores to determine admission.</p>

<p>Also they’re really generous with GPA’s. They said as long as you’re in the 2.5-2.9 GPA range and you’ve completed their requirements on the website you’re good.</p>

<p>Btw I’m applying next week. :)</p>