University of Arizona Potential Scholarships

Here are my stats. I was wondering if I could get more money than the 13k it says for the out of state residents.

[ *] SAT I (breakdown): n/a
[ *] ACT: 31
[ *] SAT II: 590 Biology
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.44, Weighted GPA: 3.7 (5 AP’s, 5 Honors)
[ *] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): World History 3, Biology 3, Psychology 5
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
[ ] Senior Year Course Load: AP Environmental Science, AP Comparative Government and Politics, Econ, Power Walking, English 12, Honors Anatomy and Physiology, Statistics
[ ] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NHD State Qualifier, CSF 8 semesters
[ /list][ b]Subjective:

[ *] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): NHD (vice president), hospital volunteer, job at JCPenney, CSF, 2 years of cross country, Red Cross
[ *] Job/Work Experience: associate at JCPenney
[ *] Volunteer/Community service: hospital volunteer (50 hours), CSF volunteer (50 hours)
[ *] Summer Activities: work, volunteer
[ *] Essays: I plan to write about a personal event with my family during my junior year. We ended up moving across the country and back in a few months which was really distracting for me and it affected my grades.
[ *] Teacher Recommendation: Don’t plan on reading them, I’m sure they will be good.
[ *] Counselor Rec: n/a yet
[ ] Additional Rec: n/a yet
[ ] Interview: n/a
[ /list][ b]Other

[ *] State (if domestic applicant): CA
[ *] Country (if international applicant): USA
[ *] School Type: public
[ *] Ethnicity: asian
[ *] Gender: F

Also, could I get into the honors program with these stats?

So “chance you” for financial aid and honors?

please, when you copy a form try to make it format

I would say no, unless you apply for additional scholarships but don’t count on it.

I doubt that any ECs or essays will make a difference. UAz is rewarding high stats with merit. It doesn’t likely care about the other “stuff”.

If you want more merit, then retest for higher scores.

What do you want your net cost to be?

What is your major?

I want my net cost to be around 30k and I want to major in Biology.

I think you’ve got awesome stats for University of Arizona, good luck!

We have found the net price calculators to be very accurate for the Arizona schools with regards to merit aid. You can try putting in higher test scores and see if that increases your scholarship. It would likely be your GPA that would keep you from increasing your aid if you aren’t already at the max.

13k is tops i think. thats what i got with a 2180 SAT

Does U of A give merit for transfer students?

13k is all they give. I had a 33 ACT and that’s all I got.

UA has an awesome tool called Scholarship Universe that you should have access to upon being accepted. While you will not be able to garner more than the $13k/year merit-based aid for OOS students, you may find a multitude of other scholarships that you qualify for based on your interests and life experiences.