Hi, I’m an international student from Bangladesh. I got into UBC for CS with a non-renewable scholarship of 10k.
(vancouver is VERY expensive I know, but HOW expensive any idea? I could really, REALLY, use some more scholarship.It’s gonna get very difficult for me otherwise. Sadly want doesn’t get, but I’m thinking I will ask for some more. They have two entrance scholarships for international students and I got one of them, and they do give both to a single student. They have that policy. I was wondering if I should tell them my situation and request they re-review my application to consider giving me the second scholarship as well? Is that a bad idea? Please let me know. Thanks!!
congrats @shmit94 did you apply for the entrance scholarships? How did you find out you’ve recieved yours? cuz I’m expecting mine
Thanks! I got an email from them,. Also, my problem is redundant now
I asked them about a reconsideration, they re-reviewed my app, and said they can’t increase the scholarship.