University of California GPA calculation question

it is PHILOS 9 in the link below and MAT 117 in ASU.

UCLA PHILOS 9 is a UC course that should be UC transferable (assuming a regular course, not an extension version or some such).

ASU MAT 117 is college algebra (looks equivalent to high school precalculus without trigonometry). It appears that similar courses at California community colleges (for example, Mission College MAT 001) are UC transferable.

If the student wants to take calculus later, a trigonometry course may be needed before regular calculus, although it may not always be needed before calculus-for-business-majors.

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PHILOS 9 was a regular summer session course.

MAT 117 like you pointed out seems very similar to a high school precalculus/alg2 math course which he is enrolled this year. If the UCs see fairly identical courses like these, would they count only one of them as (A-G) for GPA calculation?

Before you ask, these courses were done primarily to sample the college experience.

That is question whose answer is unobvious, since the courses are not full repeats but are partial repeats (a full repeat would mean taking only the first C or higher grade for UC purposes). It was probably a mistake to take ASU MAT 117 (instead of some other college course where there is no partial repeating of material) for this reason, but since that is done already, you may have to ask UC exactly how this should be handled.

While it is clear that transferable CC courses will boost UC fully-weighted GPA for admissions, how are these looked at in the comprehensive review of factors such as HS rigor, and number of courses beond minimum a-g requirements. For example, instead of taking APUSH, or APLAC offered at HS, if a student took some transferable humanities CC course, is one valued more compared to the other?

The UC’s do not have a preference for AP’s vs. CC courses as long as the student challenges themselves. UC’s do like to see students utilize the courses available at their High school first but there are many reasons for taking CC courses outside their HS’s offerings.

Thanks again. We will enter as (A-G) and honors. Should be fine whatever they choose to do. For the Weighted and Capped GPA, it is probably better if they drop it, but the GPA difference is minor anyway.

For high school that report % (number grade out of 100) is there guidance on how to give additional credit for IB courses.

The UC admission website provides guidance for IB credit when school reports letter grades, however not for %.

Thanks for Insights.

Does your HS offer a table indicating the % conversion to the letter grade? The UC GPA relies on a letter grade and for each semester of an IB course, the applicant would get 1 extra honors points for these courses taken the summer after 9th to the summer prior to 12th. Depends upon what type of grading term the HS is using but it should be the same as AP or UC approved Honors courses.

Here’s an example of a % conversion table: How to Convert (Calculate) Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale – BigFuture

The UC’s do not consider +/-.

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Are the community colleges courses added to UCGPA calculation?
My son got a ‘B’ on one of the two courses he did in a community college. This will decrease his UC Unwaited and Capped Weighted GPA. Should we report the college courses or not? Will it impact his admission?
Please advise

If the Community College courses are UC transferable, they should be reported and yes it will be added to the UC GPA calculation if taken the summer after 9th through the summer prior to 12th. Also an extra Honors point is given for each semester class. The UC’s look at all 3 UC GPA’s so it may dilute the Capped weighted, but they also look at the Fully weighted along with course rigor. Impaction will be minimal to negligible with 1 B.

The UC’s will require a CC transcript if he enrolls in any of the UC’s. There is a National Clearinghouse database that would have a record of the CC classes, so do not omit intentionally.

Thnank you very much for the details. Its a UC transderable course took in 11th grade summer. He has 2 'B’s for a AP class from school . He took additional AP courses from other online schools too… ‘A’ only.Adding all these decreases the Capped and Unweighted GPA.
Heard GPA is the key factor for UC acceptance . So he is worried about it

The UC’s will consider the Unweighted, Capped weighted and Fully weighted UC GPA’s and as I noted they will look at the individual courses for rigor. The UC’s expect applicants to exceed the minimum a-g course requirements so tell him not worry about the UC GPA’s since admissions readers will focus on the student challenging themselves along with the individual course grades vs. the overall GPA’s. Unfortunately it is a Catch 22 since taking more courses dilutes the GPA calculation but improves the HS rigor portion.

Part of the application review includes the following:

Number of, content of and performance in academic courses beyond the minimum A-G requirements.
Number of and performance in UC-approved honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Higher Level and transferable college courses