University of California - Help with my SAT situation

<p>Deadline for applications is November 30.</p>

<p>My situation:
I took the SAT I once.</p>

<p>I took the necessary SAT II subject tests once.</p>

<p>My SAT Is were not as good as I had hoped and am taking them again in December. Should I

  1. wait until December to send everything
  2. send SAT IIs for and send SAT Is in december
  3. send the SAT I and SAT II and resend my december score in december</p>

<p>My twin’s situation:</p>

<p>He took the necessary SAT II subject tests once. </p>

<p>He has not taken the SAT Is.</p>

<p>Is he still eligible to apply to the UCs? If so, how should he manage the situation?:

  1. Send SAT IIs first and the SAT I when complete in december?
  2. Send both in december?</p>

<p>(is it necessary to write a letter explaining to the schools his situation or is it alright to just send the subject tests first and then send the reasoning test later? will this hurt his application in any way?)</p>

<p>The December test date is acceptable for UC admission, so yes, he is eligible to apply (assuming his UC GPA is at least 3.0 and he will complete all A-G requirements by graduation).</p>

<p>Choose a UC as an automatic score recipient either when you register or on test day.</p>

<p>All scores will be sent. (The UCs do not accept score choice anyway.)</p>

<p>There is no need for a letter explaining the “situation” - it does not matter whether you take the subject tests before you take the SAT.</p>

<p>Isn’t there a spot where you can enter the date you plan to take the test? If so, they’ll know that there is still a SAT test outstanding. You’ll also be able to self-report the scores you do have.</p>

<p>^^correct. Self-report the highest scores to-date and mark on the app that you will be sitting for the December test. They keep a look-out for the later results.</p>