I know they dont required official transcripts, but what about the collegeboard SAT scores? or those also unofficial until acceptance and then you have to send?
should i send them already?
I know they dont required official transcripts, but what about the collegeboard SAT scores? or those also unofficial until acceptance and then you have to send?
should i send them already?
<p>I just sent mine in...</p>
<p>this has been asked 100's of times.</p>
<p>no transcripts need to be sent, until you are accepted and wish to matriculate.
no official test scores need to be sent, until you are accepted and wish to matriculate (exception: unless you are taking december tests, you would obviously have to send those)</p>
<p>Ugh. my counselor told me to send my official SAT test scores in and I did. wasted quite some money there.</p>
<p>ok sry just making sure i have never looked for UC threads before</p>
<p>then why does it say on the uc application website that you need to make sure to send in the sat scores to every school you apply to? where did u get this info awakenedream? just makin sure lol</p>
<p>guidance counselor and i asked the ucla rep</p>
<p>starryqt: where does it say that on the uc site</p>
<p>Report your test results.
ItÂ’s your responsibility to have your SAT and/or ACT scores sent to each campus to which you are applying. Read instructions on reporting your test scores. </p>
<p>That is what it says here:</p>
<p>Anyone who is applying to the UCs still has time to send in their official CB scores => they are taking scores from the December test date.</p>
<p>Yeah, I'm nearly positive that you <em>do</em> have to send your scores to each campus.</p>
<p>Official Transcript-Not now. Self report all grades on application and only send an official transcript if accepted and decide to attend. That UC will need to make sure you didn't "fudge" those self reported scores.</p>
<p>SATs-send to each UC NOW. D is sending them as part of Dec. test. UC application says that is fine. Separate report to EACH UC applying to.</p>
<p>AP scores- self report now (is there a space for that on the app?) and send official notice only to UC you attend (end of year).</p>
<p>thank you very much this is helpful. ill be sending my sat scores now. thanx casey =P</p>
<p>So the deadline for SAT scores is about 2 weeks after December 4th?</p>
<p>On page 4 of the UC paper application it says "If you are applying for admision for fall 2005, you must take the tests no later than Dec.4. (or Dec 11 for the ACT). You are responsible for making sure that the testing agencies (SAT and/or ACT) report your score directly to each campus to which you apply. If you are applying for fall term, the Admissions Offices MUST receive your test results from the agencies no later than the date in January when December test scores are normally reported".<br>
So just make sure you send them when you take the Dec. test. If you aren't testing in December, I would send them ASAP.</p>