University of Colorado Boulder EA for Fall 2023

Sorry. I understand your frustration.

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curious-- did you apply for Financial aid? We did not–expected merit but aren’t seeing any.

same questions-- did you apply for financial aid?

My S started in exploratory studies. He transferred into arts and sciences recently after choosing a major. It might be harder to transfer into engineering, but maybe if your gpa is good you can? Something to ask!

No. Maybe that was our mistake. We filled out the fafsa but we will not get any need based money. But I didn’t think that was taken into consideration for merit based scholarships.

Not supposed to be taken into account for merit scholarships. But who knows.

D, in-state, accepted with scholarship and also notified of Honors College acceptance. She’s Psychology, college of A&S

4.2 weighted GPA
33 ACT

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Daughter direct admit to Leeds. Chancellor scholarship. OOS
4.1 weighted GPA
33 ACT
1470 SAT
Varsity athlete & captain
DECA and ECs
school does not rank students

Very bottom of acceptance letter under signature liine

We filled out FAFSA because it is a requirement for graduation at our DD’s HS. But merit money is supposed to be wholly separate and distinct from need based. CU website even says they don’t consider standardized test scores for merit $ - only GPA and activities. So I just cannot fathom this.


S23 accepted OOS for political science! Congrats to all!


Son admitted pre-business program and got Presidential Scholarship
3.9 unweighted
No test
Varsity athlete in basketball and soccer
Lots of ECs, volunteering, and job
No rank from school

Not thrilled about pre-business, seems to be some sort of program and you live in a specific dorm. Would love info if anyone has experience with it.

OOS Son direct admit to Aerospace with Chancellor scholarship.

Anyone comment on Purdue vs. CUBoulder for Aerospace? He got Presidential Scholarship at Purdue.

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What did he apply to?

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Attended an event today at CU for semi-finalists of an in state scholarship. Admissions mentioned they were not done awarding merit scholarships and would finalize by 2/1.


Or maybe it was my sons gpa 3.88. Who knows.

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that’s not exactly low!!

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well that’s confusing! I wonder if OOS merit is also not complete yet?

I have a Mech Eng sophomore son at Purdue. He’s happy at Purdue. It’s a nice campus. Union renovation was just completed a year ago. It’s been a good experience. We are OOS, but it is drivable.
My HS daughter toured both CU Boulder and Purdue in her search for a Business school. She loved CU Boulder. She was not keen on attending her brother’s school - but that’s a sibling thing. And
while Purdue has a respected business school - it does feel very engineering/tech universe. Not her cup of tea. But perhaps your Aero-focused student would enjoy that?
I understand both these schools have highly respected aero programs.
Does your student care about the general environment? Indiana is flat flat flat.
CU Boulder has mountains.
Good luck gathering more intel. Not sure there’s a bad choice unless you have money or geography factors to consider.

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May want to ask your admissions counselor. They didn’t specify who they are still considering.

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