University of Delaware and Merit

I wonder if the fact that my D has not test scores plays a favor.

I don’t think so. I just went back to the scholarship calculator for DE and it seems a 3.9 GPA is the line between a small scholarship (2 grand) and larger scholarship (10 grand) is drawn. I used both a 3.9 and 1320 and just a 3.9 GPA and the award was 10k/year

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My daughter was TO
3.7 GPA
1 AP though 4 honors
Captain of softball and basket balls teams
Lots of CS


Yeah, she had a 4.0 last year. I’m sure lack of advanced classes didn’t help.

Oh well, we will wait for others.

My daughter is almost identical to yours :grinning:. The amount does stink, but older D went to University of Rochester 10 years ago and it was 10k more a year then DE is now, so I feel like we’re getting a bargain, lol


Thanks for the heads up about merit! My son checked and he got the Presidential $15k/year! OOS, 3.85 UW / 4.52 W. Test Optional. He’s happy to get something but waiting to hear from his in state options.


We don’t see the merit information in the portal anymore! It was there yesterday and now it just links to “Financial Aid Info”. Maybe they posted it early by accident and took it down. Anyone able to still see Merit Awards in their portal?

We don’t either. We see same as you

Maybe the took it away cause I complained so bitterly about it on here lol.

I’m guessing you are in state? High merit is offered to OOS higher stats applicants to make UD closer to their in state flagship options. My daughter at UD gets $17,000, her flagship offered $0, US is still a bit higher than her flagship.

Merit used to be based on test scores, last year on recalculated gpa, so the 4.0 UGPA would get the highest.

Lol. Maybe your complaints will get us more money!

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No we are OOS. Daughter had 4.0 last year. We went test optional. Unfortunately, we aren’t going to consider UD anymore since she got 10 x that from other schools.

Merit info is back in the portal! The “View you Financial Portal” button is back! I’m printing the letter this time!

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It’s cumulative gpa so the 3.7 (I assume unweighted) is what they base it on (I’m guessing rigor is assessed, my daughter had 9 AP’s and the rest honors). TO could’ve been an issue since many use scores for merit (in the past it weighed heavily at UD). It does help with the list (UMD was quickly dropped for us).


Son with 1540 one sitting SAT. Eagle Scout. 10 ap’s and 5’s and one 4 on the ones he took. 4.23 weighted, which is low comparatively. 10k oos. He was hoping for more.

D offered UDel Presidential Scholarship, $15k per year (OOS). It was in her portal.


My daughter must stink according to them then. 2 grand a year is not enough to draw her OOS.

He would’ve gotten more 2 years ago with that SAT ($17,000), switched to GPA last year.

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