<p>Hi everyone,
I am currently looking into the University of Dreams internship program in London for the summer of 2011. I've been doing a serious amount of research on the subject, trying to find reviews from all different perspective. Time and again, the only complaint I have found about University of Dreams is the admittedly high price to pay for an internship. Here is my situation:</p>
<p>I want to spend a summer in London.
I have been saving for said summer most of my life.
I have looked into study abroad programs, but not many of them match my college's quarter schedule.
I am interesting in casting and talent management, and it's hard to find paid internships in those situations - and I'm really interested in gaining some experience and know-how.
I am not just looking for an internship, I am looking for a study-abroad-like experience in London that will enable me to gain knowledge in an are of my interest.</p>
<p>In my mind, this makes UofD a very good choice to fit my needs, and I have yet to find another program that offers me solutions to all of the above situations.</p>
<p>Basically, my question is: I agree that it's wasteful to participate in University of Dream if you are interested solely in finding work experience. However, is it wasteful to invest in University of Dreams as an over-all study abroad experience?</p>
<p>Chelspip - It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into University of Dreams. I was a past London participant, so in my biased opinion, it was a really valuable experience. It was incredible to spend a summer in London riding the tube, immersing myself in the culture, and making weekend trips to Paris, Bath. I miss it already… My friend decided to study abroad instead of come with me to London, and I don’t think he had the same experience, as there were 150 students from all different universities (so it made for a diverse and fun group of people). Plus, I felt that my internship experience will give me more of an advantage when I graduate. </p>
<p>When I was making my decision, I talked with a representative on my campus, so maybe call the 800 number and ask to speak to someone at your campus. They can tell you more about the experience, or put you in touch with other alumni who have done it.</p>
<p>Good luck with you decision. In my opinion, you should definitely do it. They over-delivered on even my expectations (which were really high due to the price). The staff in the program are helpful, as they show you the city, but they are young and fun, so they don’t act like babysitters to you. The internship selection was pretty easy as well. I had a guy with a british accent helping me choose between a couple of the companies that wanted me to work for them. There were so many weekend/day trips included in the tuition, that made for incredible stories for my friends back home. Once you get there, your summer will fly by. </p>
<p>Good luck with your decision.</p>
<p>Wouldn’t it just be better and cheaper to get an apartment or a room in a flat or a youth hostel in London for the summer, and find yourself some unpaid internships?</p>