University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

I think quite the opposite. They don’t look at transcripts or AP scores and create their own GPA scale with a huge boost for taking AP classes, but don’t take into consideration how a student actually performs in that AP class. Is it more of an accomplishment to get straight A’s in AP classes in a less competitive high school and get 3’s on the exams or to get B’s in a more competitive high school and get 5’s on the exams? You would think that they might actually want to look at that as it really isn’t a huge amount of extra data.

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It is the same for my daughter

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I am pretty sure this has always been there

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UF is one of the few (if not the only) top 30 schools requiring standardized test results from every applicant. I think the majority of the applicants selected will have mostly A’s in their AP courses and (even if not reviewed by UF) will be the kinds of applicants getting 4s and 5s on AP exams for the most part.


If that’s the case, why wouldn’t UF want to see it given that they place so much emphasis on APs in recalculating GPAs? I suppose that the upshot would be that it would either confirm or refute your “analysis.” It’s a simple data point. There is a reason that UF doesn’t look at it. I don’t know what that reason is but I would bet it isn’t that they simply assume that all selected applicants got 4s and 5s on the exams.

My best guess is that a state university with finite resources doesn’t want to deal with the bombardment of communication related to these scores. It could definitely be another reason. I truly have no idea.


Bombardment of communication? The scores are entered on the common app. I don’t have any idea either but whatever it is, it isn’t because they assume all the scores are great.

Do you have to put in student’s info to get to that gator nation?

It’s a streamlined process to get through as many applications as possible. There may also be a boost for underprivileged backgrounds and overcoming adversity. I wonder which is a better predictor of UF upper level success, AP results or grades in dual credit. Applicants with high amounts of college credits would be attractive because they are more likely to graduate.


Is it correct to assume we will not learn of any scholarship information upon admission notification on the 25th? I thought I read somewhere scholarship information is release mid March but now I don’t remember where I saw that…

Wow, so impressed with UF. I (parent) just got an email from UF that Decision day is this Friday at 6:00. It’s been a guessing game with all other colleges. Love the transparency!


just got an email from UF that Decision day is this Friday at 6:00

So… if as a parent I didn’t get the email, does that mean bad news on Friday for my son? Ack. What timezone are you in, I’m guessing Eastern? Are you in Florida (maybe it’s a courtesy for FL residents? I’m grasping at straws here :sweat_smile:)

We r in sc. i got the email but my kid’s portal housing doesnt say welcome to gator nation. Hahaha so stressful.

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I don’t think it means anything at all - in fact the email details the different decisions to expect, including denial. We are EST, not FL residents.

Definitely doesn’t mean anything like that - it could mean you student didn’t add your email where we ask when completing the application or it ended up in the junk folder like some of our emails do when we send them in bulk. It is a link to the current blog post here

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Hmmm, where is the housing portal? Do we have access to that if we are not yet enrolled?

Yes, we are anticipating having everything scholarship/financial aid packaging related out by mid-March.

You can submit a housing application without being enrolled.

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I think it means that your son gave the wrong email address for you!

@Silver77 Totally agree. Class act move, UF. I am still awaiting decisions on others with no clear date and lots of confusion about pathways.