University of Maryland of Virginia Tech? (Business)

<p>My situation is this: I was accepted to both schools, however, for VT I was accepted straight into their business program and for Maryland (UMD) I applied early to their Letters & Sciences not knowing I wanted to do business so therefore I am not in their business program as a freshman. I am in-state at Virginia Tech and would be paying about 20k less per year if I were to go to VT. VT tuition~20k, UMD~40k for oos students. I actually like the UMD business program better and they seem more devoted to it, but the thing that worries me is that I am not going to be enrolled in the business program at UMD right away and I will have to go through the hassle to transfer into it which is not guaranteed. I want to major in finance/accounting in an undergraduate business school. My worry is that the VT business school is not going to be as good as the one at UMD and idk. I'm just confused. I know UMD has a better program than VT but is it worth the hassle and money to go there??? please help and give me advice! I only have a couple days left to decide.</p>

<p>Are you talking an 80k difference over the four years? Holy crap yes go to VT.</p>

<p>Yes, I am. However, my parents would still be able to pay for it fully. I just want to know whether it is worth it though. I was also thinking about doing a year or two at VT then transferring somewhere else like UVa (waitlisted there) or UMD later on to save money.</p>

<p>I firmly believe you can make your mark at whatever school go to. Go to VT, save your parents’ money, come out of undergrad with no debt. Work hard in your classes and excel in the classroom. Be engaged in the Hokie community; it is awesome. Pamplin is no slouch and if you play your cards right, you can be a very attractive candidate for employment or grad school. My guess is once you get to Blacksburg, you may not want to leave. Good luck to you in your decision!</p>

<p>FutureHPStud69 “I want to major in finance/accounting in an undergraduate business school. My worry is that the VT business school is not going to be as good as the one at UMD”.</p>

<p>Rest assured that in finance/accounting VT’s business school is certainly on par with UMD. VT accountants are well represented in the big 4 accounting firms. UVA/W&M/and Georgetown are considered more prestigious than VT but all the firms hire VT graduates. A business degree from UMD is not going to be worth anything more to you than the one from VT. I’m not sure why you think VT is not devoted to the business school.</p>

<p>“I’m not sure why you think VT is not devoted to the business school.” This may seem stupid that I care about this but the building for VT’s business school is not nearly as nice as the Maryland business building. It seems they invested a greater sum of money into making it a better environment. Also, I think VT spends most of their money on keeping their engineering program as one of the best.</p>

<p>I am currently attending Virginia Tech and double majoring finance/accounting and let me tell you that the classes for accounting and finance are quite difficult. Accounting and finance are strong here at Virginia Tech and believe it or not many major investment banks come here during Fall & Spring to recruit the brightest VT students to work on Wall Street. For both accounting and finance majors, the professors drill so much material into your head that even if you studied as much as you can for an exam you won’t know it all. Virginia Tech is a great school not only for engineering but as well for business and all majors. Every year Virginia Tech’s undergrad business ranking seems to be getting better and it is currently ranked at 40 on USNEWS.</p>

<p>Sorry, you do not have a difficult decision.</p>

<p>Whoops. Didn’t read that the OP was a year old…my bad!</p>

<p>I agree. VT is clearly the way to go. It’s a bird in hand and the price is better. You could end up shut out of the business program at UMD.</p>