University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

Thought I may as well make this thread.
Does anyone know when we will get our decisions for Early Action??

Yes, dd is also waiting.

Mid to late January I would aim for around January 15

That’s what they said on the tour

Also applied EA. Hoping for a 1/15 too

I think I saw somewhere Jan 20th.

I applied ea but didn’t have all financial stuff officially in by Dec. 1 so we shall see. I love the U but Probabky won’t get enough Money to attend so good luck to everyone else.

Applied EA too, hoping for the Stamps Scholarship but I know its extremely difficult to get.

DS applied EA also … but really wish the U would do their EA in December like ALL other schools lol. Sucks that he has to do a bunch of apps that are due 1/1 - 1/15, when he probably wouldn’t do 1/2 of them if he gets into Miami.

Last year, EA announcements went out on 1/31/16.

Do EA announcements come in waves, or is it all just one date? And @londondad I thought though the latest to come out are mid January?

^ We received a Fedex package on 1/31 with the decision.

Answering my own question… I was at information session at U Miami yesterday and the assistant head of admissions said all notifications for EA comes out online on one specified date mid-January.

No news on when that specified date will be? @musical99

I submitted my app well before the Nov 1 EA deadline, however I forgot to select EA and I realized a month or so after, and I emailed them about it and I never received a response. Is it too late to call them, or is it possible they autmoatically moved my app to ea?

^ I would call them asap.

My son applied EA and received a UofM recruiting brochure in the mail yesterday. I thought that was weird since he already applied. He has two friends that also applied EA and received the same brochure (it’s a 10"x10" booklet). Has everyone else received recruiting materials from UofM even though they already applied? I think it’s strange. He is taking it as a good sign of his chances of being accepted, and I hope that is true because it is his first choice school. The guy will be very disappointed if he is deferred, esp. after receiving a booklet on how great it is, and how he should go there, after he has already applied.

Yes, I received one too. And I applied EA

I received one too, does everyone who applied get it?

Maybe they send it to everyone who has applied EA to keep them interested while their other acceptances are rolling in? I find it a little strange to send recruiting materials (and that 10x10 book was expensive to send) to kids who have already applied. UofM is the latest EA acceptance my S has, all others have been offered, and possibly UofM is trying to keep kids from accepting other offers while they are still deciding. I don’t know…it’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Of course, my son is convinced it means he is getting in. I hope he’s right.