University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

on the 20th

guys i checked twitter and only first wave of premier scholarships came out so dont worry if u havent received invitation

I just called the admissions office and they said that the decision notifications are released over a 3 day period so most likely that will be this upcoming Friday Saturday and Sunday. The decisions are released in waves of 600-700 decisions every hour to prevent the system from crashing.

I checked my canelink and now it shows “accept/decline awards” under finances. when i click on it, it says “award access not available”. does that mean anything?

Nope! “Accept/decline awards” has always been there.

thanks @aspeen2. wasn’t sure if I saw it before or not

The UM Admissions twitter just tweeted “EA decisions will be released late january. Keep checking your CaneLink for the latest!” should be soon!

Ah! How soon! That sounds like before Friday!

On my IDOC, which I completed in November, it says that all of my forms are accepted by UM, but on my to do list it says i still need my W-2… what do I do

@neutopschool call the FA office directly & ask to email it directly to them. Get a specific person if possible so you can get confirmation that it was received from a real person. Good luck!

@Steglitz90 I just emailed my admissions counselor. I hope its just a glitch in the system like what happened to other people in this forum. It would kill me if that was the reason that I wasn’t accepted.

It still says to do business farm supplement and 2015 parent taxes but I’m pretty sure my parents sent it in and they are too. Anybody else have this?

You could definitely still get a partial! @spotifyshaggy

The tweet about “Keep checking your CaneLink” is making me think that they will start releasing decisions earlier than Friday. Maybe they’ll start Thursday, so decisions would be released Thursday, Friday, Saturday, if they do it in waves

@memcg3 same. I feel like they are leading us on though. Hopefully they don’t extend it to Monday

For those wondering, the admissions decision will appear under communication center in student center in canelink.

Called financial aid about my prior post. They had everything. If you are having this problem call financial aid, long wait time but everything gets resolved.

I had the issue with the business/farm supplement. I suggest speaking to someone directly on the phone and asking them to confirm the submission of your documents @usrename

I called and resolved it but thank you

Miami resident, my school counselors say they have reason to think that UM EA decisions will start to be released on Thursday