University of Miami 2021 Early Action Thread

Most websites said today would be the day!!

Last year the tweet was posted around 4pm so here’s hoping it’s today

Admissions just confirmed on twitter that it’s not today. Probably next Friday I’m guessing.

I’m mad because I already know I won’t get in. Stupid financial aid stuff

What is their Twitter handle? I’m not finding anything on Twitter…


@kslinky is right. Miami admissions’ twitter has responded over and over to people asking that today is not the day and they will keep us posted for late January release.

I just want to set some peoples’ angst at ease regarding financial aid and FAFSA and CSS. Financial aid and submitting FAFSA and/or CSS IN NO WAY has any effect on your chances to get into THE [][]. My sister is a Junior with a Pres. scholarship at THE [][], and my family has never applied for fin. aid, nor have we submitted a CSS or FAFSA. Admission and financial aid are not related. Without fin. aid., you are merely responsible for the full boat. Good luck to everyone. I wish that I could have applied ED or EA, but these do not apply for Frost candidates.

@PCJazz yeah but I said I was going to submit financial aid so they’re expecting stuff. Does that affect me?

That may be more complex. I don’t want to give you false info. Perhaps your application may be ear-marked as incomplete and not considered. I just don’t know. This is a good question for admissions. Give them a call. They have been very responsive to my inquiries. …GOOD LUCK if THE []_[] is really where you want to study.

so if it’s not today, then when??

probably next Friday

Hey everyone. I got an email today saying that I have been nominated for the Stamp, Singer, and Weeks merit scholarships and that I have to write an essay and register for a weekend to visit UM in order to be considered by next Friday. Based on that, I guess next Friday is when admissions decisions will be released for everyone else!

@wannabeBlueDevil Congrats! Did they send it to your personal email?

@wannabeBlueDevil Nice job on the scholarship considerations. What were your stats?

@therealdeal23 Thank you!! Yes, it was to my personal email.

@Ovec8hkin Thanks! 34 ACT, all A’s, 1/92 in class, Vice-President of National Honor Society, tennis captain, religious education teacher, research shadowing experience, various other EC’s and leadership

Congrats @wannabeBlueDevil just curious are you in-state or out of state for Miami?

@kslinky Thanks! out of state

@wannabeBlueDevil im in state and I just got that scholarship email too! Im so excited!! :slight_smile: