University of Miami chances?

Hey, I was wondering what my chances of getting into UM are?
I have two leadership positions at school and one at my church (HOSA Treasurer, Tuba Section leader in the marching band and audio leader at church)
I have a 4.3 weighted GPA and 3.5 unweighted
I am number 47 out of 670 kids in my junior class (Top 10%)
I have taken 7 AICE classes and have passed all my exams
I recently took the ACT and received a 23 which I do plan on taking again since I know it is not that good.
I will be taking the SAT this year in march
My grades, for the most part, have been good but freshman year math was bad as I received a D one semester but just that once.
I am on track for receiving my AA degree before I graduate high school
I also have 300+ volunteer hours

What is HOSA?
Good amount of service hours.
GPA is somewhat low for UM (80% of accepted Freshmen have above a 3.75 unweighted)
ACT is quite low (UM’s ACT range is 28-32).
Extra curricular are decent and you are top 10%. (3.5 top 10%?)

It will be a low reach school.
A sport would have helped alot, to show well roundedness.
Try to get at least a 30 on the ACT if you can’t get your GPA higher. (GPA is more important, though. Really focus on grades imo).

It will be tough but there’s definitely a chance.

Any APs? What grade are you in?

HOSA (health occupants students of America)

I’m a junior and AICE hold the same weight as AP. It’s just a Cambridge program

My school goes by weighted GPA

Everything I said earlier still stands… It would just have been easier to get your GPA up if you were a Sophomore.

You’re weighted GPA is not that bad if it is on a 4.0 scale… You’re unweighted GPA, though, is pretty low.

You have taken all honors or AICE classes right? Mostly AICE, I’m assuming. Because your weighted gpa is .8 higher than you’re unweighted?

I’ve taken 3 APs so far (USH, Calc AB, Human Geo) and the rest of my classes honors.

This year taking 6 APs (Calc BC, Comp Gov, Gov Pol, Literature, Language, Chemistry) and one honor (Chinese).

My Weighted is about .7 higher than unweighted so i guess yours makes sense.

My daughter was admitted with a weighted GPA of 3.75 and 30 ACT. She’s also in HOSA. Her friend from school applied and was also admitted with a weighted 3.8 GPA and a 23 ACT. They are both dual enrollment students and attend a competitive HS. They both have a lot of AP and honors courses and EC’s as well. My d was also a competitive cheerleader since the age of five. It is a possibility that you can get into the U. Just continue to study for your ACT/SAT to increase your score. My d has gotten into:

U of Pitt
U of Miami
Penn State
St. John’s (NY)

Ohio State (deferred)
NYU (no decision yet)

Please don’t let anyone discourage you from applying to any school.

Thanks for sharing. I am applying for this school too.