University of Miami Class of 2019 Early Action Results

where does your admission status show up on Canelink? is it right when you log in?

D’s to do list is in her Student Center right side under Communication Center and Holds. She has the “original” (for lack of a better term) non-green-dot screen. Just checked-she has No To-Do’s and she only has one Completed Communication in her Communication Center-which is her UGRD EA App Rec’d. We have no financial aid stuff pending BTW.

decisions will be out tomorrow after the close of business.

I saw a few people got emails about invitation for scholorship event, does anybody know if notifications for Stamps and Singer all out ?

this is absolute torture

@19Utah‌ who told you that?

Yes, all invitations have been sent out for Singer/Stamps. They all went out the same day. I e-mailed my admissions counselor about that.

I thought there is one just for Singer not Singer/Stamps, so if there is no hope for singer if no email has been received?

Is it bad if I don’t have any “initiated” things?

@bestwish‌ There are separate weekends for Singer/Stamps and Singer only, but all the invites for all the weekends are out already. I was disappointed.

Does anyone know how many Stamps/Singer invites go out?

@Ber418‌ Around 200-300 go out. 50 students will receive one of the two full ride scholarships. It really is the best of the best.

@Ber418‌ 200-300.

Just called and they said mid February. I don’t believe thst

You probably spoke to Felicia

Quit calling. The more calls they get, the more vague they’re going to get.

wait I have a blue dot, not a green one. What does that mean

wait never mind

Spoke to adcom on the phone. They haven’t sent out scholarships for every region. They weren’t all sent out.

Kudos to Miami however. For finding a way to make the slowest EA decisions out of thousands of colleges. I’m sure that isn’t easy. I applied in friggin October.