University of Miami Class of 2020 Decisions

Post your stats, extracurriculars, basic info, admissions decision, and the school you applied to. Good luck!

Does anyone know what my chances would be? Im applying early decision to the business school with a major in Marketing
GPA: 3.87
ACT: 31 (35 english, 31 math, 29 science, 29 reading)
Captain of varsity swim team/ 4 year varsity athlete
President of student athlete leadership club
marketing manager for DECA/ regional, state, and international qualifier for DECA competitions
Student government association (SGA) officer
Lifeguard and swim instructor at local pool
Volunteer tutor for elementary school kids after school twice a week
Business club for the school yearbook
Executive board member of habitat for humanity
Leader of the school spirit club “Raider Nation”
Student ambassador for D.A.R.E

I’ve taken AP english literature, AP government and politics, AP statistics, AP English language, and AP economics. I think my teachers wrote me good recommendations. My DECA adviser specifically wrote one for Miami.
Thank you and let me know what you think my chances are- GO CANES!

@kmuzzo3 hey you and I have really similar stats:) I applied Early Action. From what I’ve heard ED decisions should be out really soon, maybe this week. Please let us know when you hear from them!!

GPA: 3.6 unweighted
ACT: 31
SAT: 1960
-4 year varsity football player
-4 year varsity track runner
-Member of Student Activities Council for 2 years
-Part time job

I’ve taken AP Chem, APUSH, APMEH, AP English language, and I’m currently taking AP Bio, AP Physics, AP Calc AB, and AP Ecom

Applying Regular Decision to the College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Pre-Med

Hopefully I have a good chance

Good Luck to everyone else !!

Anyone gotten a scholarship yet?

Mine came in the next day, Canes Achievement Award of 11k annually :). Good luck on yours!

@chloehudson98 I got in with my stats so you should be good

i got deferred. what do you guys think are my odds of getting in with the following:
-3.55 weighted gpa 1850 SAT
-applied ED
-2.5 page resume including 4 leadership roles, a ton of community service, and work experience
-a benefactor spoke on my behalf (but i still got deferred)
-ive done 3 campus tours and met with the head of the business school
-4APs this year 5APs total 4 honors classes total
-applied for marketing
-i email my admissions counselor often expressing my enthusiasm and love for the school and how its my first choice
-3 other people from my school applied all with better scores/GPAs


Anyone applying ED II?

When should Early Action Decisions be sent? Also will we find out first by mail or online?

@FishesNBitches what were your stats?

1390 SAT
3.51 UW GPA (seems low, but my school is competitive/small/international)
Soccer all 4 years
Demonstrated extremely high interest in school
IB Diploma Candidate
Essay on my identity with the ocean
Major: Marine Science/Microbiology and Immunology

Someone chance me please! Applied EA
Connecticut Resident
Sent- 1830 SAT Score (is now an 1860 though) 590 math, 600 CR, 640 writing.
4.42 GPA
Rank 4/316
7 Ap’s- Bio, Euro, Human Geography, Language and Composition, and American History - (Currently enrolled in 2) - All of my scores were a 4.
Class rigor: All AP/honor classes

Varsity Cross Country -
Varsity Swimming
Varsity Track and Field

Shift leader at Dunkin Donuts (27 hours a week #ChildLabor)

Volunteer/community service:
240 hours tutoring special needs children during the summer- (ranging from multi-personality disorder to down syndrome).
2 annual Blood Drives
In a 24 hour event, My DECA officer team raised $50,000 for my Spanish teacher who recently passed away from stage IV Pancreatic Cancer.
In a creative marketing project I raised $1,200 dollars for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
NHS Tutor- 2 periods a day
Hosted a CT award winning anti-bullying assembly for sophomores. (x2)
Annual open house/ school tours. (x3)

Extra circulars:
International Club
Founder of Unicef Club
National Honor Society President
Class of 2016 treasurer (student government)
DECA Vice-President

AP Scholar with Distinction
Top 5%
Bausch and Lomb honorary science award
CT DECA state officer award
1st place in the Creative Marketing Project at DECA States
Top 20% at DECA Nationals (Orlando, Florida).

Loved my essay and had stellar teacher Recs.
Income: $100,000+
Race: White

@huziorm What is your unweighted GPA? Also, your SAT is low for Miami, but your rank is high. You stand a chance.

my School doesn’t show unweighted, but I have had all A’s since freshmen year. Thank you though!


I think you stand a good chance, grades are fairly more important than SAT scores.

@FishesNBitches Can you chance me?

So far, I was accepted into School of Business at Rose Hill --> Fordham University.

GPA: 3.75
ACT: 29 (32 E, 28 M, 30 R, 24 S, 30 W) Retook this weekend – using this score (29) for EA schools above and others if no improvement on retake. Apparently my 30 in Writing is extraordinarily well. A lot of people who scored around 34-36 got low 20’s on their essays.

Freshman Year Schedule:

French 2
Honors World History 1
Honors English 1
Algebra 1

Sophomore Year Schedule:

Honors French 3
Honors US History 1
Algebra II w/ Trig
Honors English 2

Junior Year Schedule:

AP English Language and Composition
International Business Practice Firm
Honors French 4
Honors US History 2

Senior Year Schedule:

AP Economics (Macro and Micro) VHS during Study Hall
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Statistics
AP World History
AP French

Extracurriculars/Awards/Community Service/Etc:

  • ~50 Volunteer Hours (Tutoring, Campaigning for Local Candidates, etc) -A part of the drawing club during my freshman year -Joined a soccer league outside my school (sort of recreational): Member since Kindergarten to Sophomore Year -Student at a nearby drawing school (Third Grade-Sophomore Year) (Would have still been enrolled but it shut down) -Member of my state's Teenage Republican club (I volunteer/intern without pay for local candidates) -Member of DECA -Counselor of a camp (run by my school) for children with special needs -National Honor Society -President of French National Honor Society -Founder/President of Republican Club at my School -Own my own eBay Business -Honor Roll (Large Number of Times)

Also completed 3 Mooc Courses.

  1. Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade (Taught by professors from Mt. San Jacinto College)
  2. Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms (Taught by professors from Relay Graduate School of Education)

I completed my third class with distinction, but I was unable to obtain a certificate since I had to pay $49.

  1. New Venture Finance: Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs (Taught by professors from University of Maryland, College Park)

State: New Jersey
School Type: Public (VERY competitive, one of the most notable public high schools in my state)
Ethnicity: White; Jewish
Sex: Male
Intended Major: Business

@aznboi4981, if that’s your unweighted GPA then I see you getting in (most likely). Even if you get deferred (which I doubt), if you’re confident about a higher ACT then you’ll be set.

@FishesNBitches, What are your thoughts on when applicants will be notified for EA? The web site says “mid-January” and “late January” on the same page. Kind of confusing?