University of Miami Class of 2020 Decisions

Oh I see someone else has also heard that…yes I heard next week as well but it also sounded like possibly earlier in week than later but I may be reading too much into what I was told

Does anyone know if we hear on portal first?

@Skyler1998 last time for EA my decision was on canelink a day before I received an email, so I think we should see it on the portal first

For those who spoke to admissions, did they say anything to indicate we’d be hearing back as early as Monday?

They said by end of the month they will email the decisions for Singer (and other full tuition) scholarships

is the portal down for anybody else?

Yeah, it’s down for me too.

Portal is working fine over here.

It’s back on, but it was down for a few.

Do I have a chance?

Regular Decision
Major: Pre- Physical Therapy
GPA: 3.75 UW/ 4.61 W GPA
SAT:1800 (combined)
President of Art Honor Society
Member of: National Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, National English Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, National Social Sciences Honor Society
-Candidate for Silver Knight (community service based award in Florida)
-Tutor for kids at local church
-Have a non profit community service project that I funded. It is based on Malala and her messaging of women’s rights for education. I live in Miami so since there are so many immigrants coming here from Venezuela and Cuba they don’t really know about the SAT and ACT and the whole college process here. So I offer them free SAT/ACT Workshops (paid for and arranged by me) and do seminars and presentations for college tips and tricks/ motivation.
-Sport: used to play club volleyball freshman and sophomore year of HS. It got expensive so I left.
-I have 1300+ community service hours
-Have received awards for my community service from the former president of UM (Dr. Shalala) and from others (POTUS Presidential Service Award).

7 APs: AP English lit and lang, AP Spanish lit and lang, AP Studio Art, AP us history, AP microeconomics. The rest of my classes have been mostly Honors (with 1 or 2 regular classes due to unavailability for Honors level)
My teachers didn’t really know me that well so I feel like their recommendations were fine but nothing out of the ordinary. My counselor’s recs were pretty good i think because they both have a good relationship with me and know me better.

Hooks/ ABOUT ME: Female, Hispanic, parents are immigrants (from south america). My dad lost his job last year but got a new one in another town so he doesn’t live with us anymore. My mom lost her job this year. My dad is a mechanical engineer and my mom is a journalist for a Colombian newspaper. I am lower middle class as a result of these unfortunate events.

I applied to: Northeastern, Boston College, Boston Uni, and Harvard and got rejected from all 4 of them. I was hoping I would get at least into BU and BC. I am still waiting on UM, Tulane, Dartmouth, Brown, UVA, and GWU.

Please let me know what you think my chances are!

SAT is low, but your hooks and EC’s should be enough to get you in.

I am an international student I received a FedEx email last night tracking a .50lb package sent to my home. Did any one receive a similar email? Is this an indication of my acceptance?

@U13misrael Yes, this is probably an indication of your acceptance.

Seems like decisions could be released any day now.

I got the same email from FedEx saying I’ll receive it by 6pm tomorrow. (I’m freaking out) Any idea if the portal will be updated before then?

So they’re releasing international decisions first.

I’m an International student and haven’t heard anything yet

I’m freaking out. I was deferred from ED but got a letter that says I was accepted into the BFA art program so I’m not really sure what it all means but I’m dying to go to this school… :frowning:

Got deferred from ED I feel like people are hearing and I have not received anything.

@Hero45 where are you from? If I may ask.