University of Miami Class of 2020 Decisions

Accepted!! Presidential Scholarship as well!

@Petunia98 My son applied EA and was deferred to regular admission. He was offered Spring 2017 admission with an option to apply for study abroad in Rome for Fall of 2016.

Thanks @notacoptermom1 it’s frustrating to not get in for the fall, is he considering spring admit? Still waiting for decision here.

Differed EA then accepted with a 30 ACT (superscored), a 3.83 UW and 4.14 Weighted GPA. I’m a part of like 20 school club (but I could only put 10 of them). I also have a part time job, a very competitive internship, school leadership positions, community leadership positions, and a ton of academic and extracurricular awards (could only put 5). Also part of Hebrew Honor Society but I doubt that helped at all haha. So happy to be accepted after being waitlisted from so many schools!

Accepted with the presidential scholarship. not too shabby. Congratulations to everyone else who got in!

accepted!! …just checked portal and found it…no Fed Ex yet…

Did people who got merit find out on portal or in packet?

@Skyler1998 it was a separate from the acceptance letter but it was on the portal


@Skyler1998 Did you get an email telling you to check the portal or did you just check it on your own?

I got in RD (someone earlier was asking)…

I just checked on my own…

I saw other kids were posting so I went on to see if it was there…No fed ex yet nor any note about one

International and waitlisted :((

Waitlisted. 3.7 GPA and 1930 SAT. Hispanic male. It was my #1 school. Ahhhhh :confused:

I was deferred from early action and was accepted today! 3.9 GPA 2060 SAT

So, does anybody know what the fedex letter meant? I got an e-mail for that. I can’t access my portal, so I don’t know my decision, and that letter will probably get lost in the mail, due to me being an international

My son got in! However, when we try to access financial aid package, it says “inquiry access denied”. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks!

@Petunia98 in regards to offer for Spring Admittance my son is thinking about it. Miami is his first choice school. It is a tough ticket to get and you can’t beat the weather so it could be worth thinking outside the box and waiting until Spring. On the other hand, he did get into other excellent schools with generous merit money. So either way, it’s all good. Good luck to you! It all works out for the best.

Deffered then Accepted with 19k a year scholarship 3.76 W GPA and 32 ACT, from Michigan