University of Miami class of 2022

Hey guys just wanted to start a thread for university of miami class of 2022 applicants. If you applied EA or ED put your stats down below

You should have this moved out of the athletic forum

I applied ED I got a 1330 on my SAT (the new one) 680 reading 650 math and I got a 20 on the writing portion I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA I have taken and am still taking many AP Honors and IB classes my class is pretty small at a little over 170 we don’t normally do exact rank but they will tell us quartiles but I just recently got like a special permission to receive it and I am in the top 7% of my class I participate in a wide array of EC’s like NHS, Sports Medicine, Cheerleading, Spanish club, etc… and I am proficient in Spanish. I feel like my essay was pretty solid I’m biting my nails until I hear back I know I won’t be notified on canceling until December but I still check everyday low key

I applied ED I got a 1330 on my SAT (the new one) 680 reading 650 math and I got a 20 on the writing portion I have a 3.8 unweighted GPA I have taken and am still taking many AP Honors and IB classes my class is pretty small at a little over 170 we don’t normally do exact rank but they will tell us quartiles but I just recently got like a special permission to receive it and I am in the top 7% of my class I participate in a wide array of EC’s like NHS, Sports Medicine, Cheerleading, Spanish club, etc… and I am proficient in Spanish. I feel like my essay was pretty solid I’m biting my nails until I hear back I know I won’t be notified on canceling until December but I still check everyday low key

*cane link not canceling

I applied EA, I’m an international student from India!

I have a 1480 SAT score, our school uses grades not GPA and I have an A-A-B, and loooots of ECs, particularly community service. I did, however, apply for financial aid, so I hope that doesn’t deter the process much. It’s great though, I’m so stoked. Any idea around which date the decisions are out? Do the scholarship decisions come out with them?

hey guys just wanted to start a thread for everybody applying to university of miami class of 2022. If u applied early action or early decision put your stats below

@slaythedogma pretty sure scholarship stuff comes a little bit after

@slaythedogma Last year, EA/scholarship decisions came out in mid-January. The invitation to the big scholarship weekends came out on January 20th.

29 ACT
3.3 gpa at private school
disciplinary history senior year (unfortunately)

def not the best chances but really hoping to get in

Honestly @strafed I don’t think ur chances are THAT terrible they super score act if that helps and maybe ur essay and EC’s will make up for it they also look for growth so like if you screwed around freshman and sophomore year but fixed it junior year they’ll see that your academically growing and applying ed definitely helps I’m rooting for you, Go Canes !

Where do you guys see your application status online? I don’t see it on CaneLink

ok so you go to cane link you log in you click student sector and then you go up and hit self service and then application status @Living61


Applied EA for music business. 3.7 W, 32 superscored, 5 AP’s, lots of community service, music, and sports for EC’s. I go to a top 100 public school. I’m confident my audition will be sufficient enough, though ya never know.

EA for Business. GPA; 96 unweighted, ACT: 30. Strong ECs and essays. Miami is my second or third choice and I will have to take back my application if I get in to my number 1 where I applied ED. Good luck to everyone!

S18 EA MADE/CAM at Frost GPA: 4.0 UW 32 ACT one test 7 APs Strong ECs

Best of Luck to you all!

Hi! 91 GPA unweighted, 93 GPA weighted, 30 ACT, 5 APs, a bunch of honors classes, in national honor society, did a marine bio community service trip this summer, volunteer at an aquarium, camp counselor for 3 years, and applied ED. Not sure if I will get in but praying I do !!

Hello! 1540 SAT (1550 superscored), 9 classes taken at a college, rest are honors/AP, 2-3% class rank, 100+ volunteer hours, NHS, WLHS, three school sports.
I applied Early Action hoping for some merit scholarship option.
Best luck to you all!

Anyone know when the admission decisions would be posted if you applied ED?