University of Miami Class of 2024

Starting a forum for class of 2024 applicants for discussion and outcomes. Who is applying? Where are you from? D17 from MA applying EA! Good luck!

Thanks for starting this! DD applied EA. It’s getting exciting!

Son applied EA. We are in Virginia. I agree, it’s getting exciting!

@sunwalker or anyone… when is the Early Action decision coming out?

jhmoney, EA decisions come out late January/early February, I think.

Here are all the notification dates from the website:

EARLY ACTION Late January - Early February

For Singer/Stamps/etc, letters asking for further information came out in December last year according to what I found on previous threads.

My S applied EA to U of Miami. We are from MN. He has not visited yet!

DD17 from PA applied EA. She stayed on campus for a 2 week Summer Scholars program there in July. It’s her top choice but definitely a reach. Waiting till late January is painful for her!

Son finally finished uploading music pre-audition videos this morning. EA app completely submitted!

My daughter was invited to apply for these scholarships on 12/31 before ever hearing that she even got in? She needed to turn the essay around in less than a week. It was not handled very well - never even received a notification of not being awarded. She just got her official offer letter and Presidential scholarship offer all at once as if the the other scholarship application never happened. It wasn’t a great feeling and made the Presidential scholarship less exciting but she ended up there nonetheless.

@Back2BackMom Yikes! Less than a week after finding out on New Year’s Eve? Are people not allowed to take vacations anymore?

That is good information; I’ll have my D20 keep a close eye on her inbox.

My son applied ED. Fingers crossed for him. We loved the school.

@yoga1234 what were your sons stats?

My daughter applied EA. We are in Georgia. Haven’t been able to visit yet but she was convinced to apply after receiving info on their Merit Scholarships.

I applied Early Action! From Florida

My D applied EA to Frost for contemporary voice. She has been asked to audition Dec 7. Anyone else applied EA to Miami college of music?

My Son applied EA. We are in Florida. Civil Engineering major. Merit scholarships, if any, will decide if he goes there if accepted.

Applied EA - I have a question - what is the CSS? We did not fill it out.

CSS is like FAFSA, but not all schools use/require CSS. Many private schools ask students who are seeking financial aid (and/or Merit Aid) to fill out both FAFSA and CSS. You can find CSS at the College Board, the same people where you sign up for the SAT.