University of Miami Class of 2024

I’m going to ignore the negativity… Happy Friday all…between now and next week, we will all know the early action status and can calm our nerves and move on to the next issue, school, etc. Have a great weekend!

I thought this post was within the parents forum

@techkween1 - the first post appears to be made by a parent so I agree with you - I was under the impression it was for parents

@techkween1 College confidential is for everyone- students, parents, and anyone who wants to read and comment is allowed to do so.

@honestlyidek and @famfun if these comments on this thread annoy or bother you then just don’t read them or follow the thread. No need to make negative comments to those parents who want to be on here. AND just because a parent is reading this or commenting on it does not mean they are helicopter parents and it does not mean that they are not allowing their child to live their lives. Perhaps some parents are on here because their child is too busy with high school to follow this and they appreciate that their parent follows it and gets information. I really don’t understand why the need to make negative comments to people on here simply because you don’t want to read people’s guesses as to when decisions will come out. You are certainly free to stop logging in to this thread and reading it and just wait until you receive your decision, but others are also free to read the thread and make comments and guesses.

@claracalavia I don’t put much stock in comments indicating “Guidance counselor got an email” because in all of the threads that I have read on CC for many colleges, these comments have been made over and over and never pan out. If the school would tell a guidance counselor when decisions are coming out then they would make it public knowledge IMO

@cllgebnd20 Just a comment as to your last statement – I know that in some (many?) cases, the guidance counselors do get a heads up from the school as to when decisions will come out (& who got in). Last month, my son’s guidance counselor knew not only when SMU was releasing EA, but also who from the school had gotten into SMU before it was posted on the portal. He told my son (after he got in), that the school emailed them the day before to let them know when decisions were coming out & who from the school was admitted. I’m not sure if every college does this, but some do.

I hope it’s today or tomorrow :confused: if it’s next week I might explode

@Steglitz90 Thank you for that information, I had never heard of a true case where guidance would be alerted ahead of time, so that is good to know. I have read so many posts on so many school threads where people post that their guidance counselor or friend of someone who works in admissions says results are coming out on x date and it is never true. Seems to me that often people do that to stir up anxiety

question for those who were scholarship finalists: did you only get notification in Portal? Was it in the messages and did it stay there as old message? And did you also get an email about it? Thank you!

My son Got a text message first saying that he has important information about admission in his portal. He checked his portal and there’s was the message that he was finalist for the Premier Scholarship. I don’t recall he got an e mail too.

We have been following this thread and is been very useful, it was the first place where we were aware the essay was only 250 words he was working and almost finish a 900 words essay , so you can imagine his stress when he realized it was a short one. Al so I just wanted to say that I have schedule the sedición release as January 31st , I believe I checked somewhere in the website that that was the date. I am surprise that they have not announced the premier scholarship winners before so they can plan for the trip for the scholarship weekend, is very short for those out of state. I also want to share that we did not applied for any financial aid , we did fill the Fafsa but not the CSS. Good luck to all and rest assure our children will end up where God dwells is the bes fit for them.

@maril555 same situation for my daughter as @Ctamayo . Received Text to check portal for message. We moved the message to archive. Since that text came on a Friday at 5:05pm Central Time, I am hoping she will get a text today…
She is so relax about all this.
I am the anxious mom and totally agree with @clgbnd20 , just because we are here doesn’t mean that we don’t let out kids do some adulting on their own.
The discussing of ideas in this board keeps me informed and away from nagging my daughter ? so it works for me. And i just toss out any info that is negative or not useful.
Good luck to all!

Has anyone heard anything about when they will be posted? I really hope its today I’m so stressed I can’t wait any longer.

I understand that our kids feel that we are all over it. But I honestly believe that we deserve it - with everything invested - time and money - and everything to be invested. So, kids - be quiet :slight_smile:

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@gymnastics7868999 I believe around 2:30 last year

just checked my cane link and it shows me my scholarship info under financial aid. anyone know if this is a good sign or just a glitch? anyone else able to view this?

It was suppressed the other day but I can see it again. It hasn’t changed like the other day the numbers were changing all day. It just shows that they’re at least doing something lol.

And it’s definitely a good sign if yours shows scholarship monies. :slight_smile:

@kslinky can you list step by step what you clicked to see the scholarships

I still cannot see that menu item. Still suppressed for me. Only enabled menu item is Documents and Messages.

Same here. Only see Documents and Messages.