University of Miami Class of 2024

34 ACT, 102.15 W GPA
Rank: 8/318
IB Diploma Candidate

How do you know if you get invited to the scholarship weekend?

@Mom2NND - my D didnā€™t get an invite to the scholarship weekend with her acceptance letter so I donā€™t think there will be any additional opportunities but not giving up yet

Deferred. What percentage of people who get deferred gets accepted? Anyone know

Son accepted with Canes Achievement Award.
SAT 1430
GPA 3.8 UW
Captain of sports teams, varsity sports every season all four years,
Lots of extra curricular activities, leadership positions within the school,
Part-time job during summers and during school year.
Weā€™re thrilled! Still holding out for a particular college but if that doesnā€™t pull through, UM is an excellent option for my son.

I think I did not get any premier scholarships :frowning:
I only got 24K/yr presidential scholarships.
I knew my essay was not strong enough, but kind of sad I cannot attend UMiami now.
Congratulations to those of you who received premier scholarships!

Son accepted. Civil engineering. No merit awards though. (31 ACT 1450 SAT, 12 AP classes, 4.3 wgpa) no merit means a no go. Congrats to all the rest who got in.

Edit to add: Thanks to a previous poster, I found the scholarship info. Canes achievement, 15 k a year. Still not enough.


sat 1550
gpa 3.8 uw/ 4.3 (dont remember exact but is within .5 of this)
12 APs
good extracurricular and common app essay

accepted into tulane and northeastern with merit

Also showed interest when they visited my high school

Hi, Iā€™m an international and just got accepted for neuroscience with a presidentā€™s scholarship. Didnā€™t really know much about the premier scholarship process so I didnā€™t realize people were invited in Dec. I have a 36 ACT, 2 800s in SAT 2 (math 2 and chem), a predicted 41/42 in the IB curriculum, and pretty cool ECs (to me at least) so Iā€™m wondering why I didnā€™t even get an invite for the essay. Is there absolutely no chance of getting one of these scholarships now? Iā€™ve seen in some previous threads that people were expecting them even after EA decisions? Anyone who knows anything about these, please help me out, I really wanna go but merit matters. Iā€™d really appreciate it, thank you :slight_smile:

@CollegeDude120 What state are you in?

Same with my son also got canes achievement $10000 per year, very disappointing when we were waiting for a Premier . We are hopping this is not finalized yet and this is only from Financial aid and we are pending merit and premier announcements.

kentucky. my cousin got in with a much lower sat and a few Cs on her transcript. 2 ppl from my school got full rides. one of my friends also got deferred with much higher act than miami. I was talking to some of the Tulane people I know and a lot of them also got deferred with much higher act/sat.


i am just confused

Did he get a scholarship weekend invite? My D got presidential 20, but was never asked to write the essay. She hasnā€™t gotten an invite. 20k is great and she can go there if she wants. But ugh. Sheā€™s still waiting on USC which with NMF will be a lot cheaper

Only thing I can think of is because others from your very school were accepted. From what I understand, they like to spread out the out of state kids, so there arenā€™t as many accepted from the same areas.

My son didnā€™t got invitation for the scholarship weekend, that is only for premier scholarship recipients . We are still praying there will be more merit $$$ coming in. We didnā€™t even applied for financial aid because we knew we werenā€™t going To get any, but after he wasnā€™t invite for the premier we were expecting at least the maximum in merit that Ian $30000.

Our EFC was 77,000 which is ridiculous. We have 3 other kids in college. I really am hoping for more money too

Meant he was invited for the premier , we were expecting more $&&