University of Miami Class of 2024

My daughter was accepted today. 3.9 unweighted GPA, 32 ACT. Georgia. No mention of scholarships, so probably not happening. It wasn’t among her top choices anyway, but I am surprised at how different competitive schools respond. She has great merit scholarships elsewhere.

I am a bit surprised I got no Merit. 1500 SAT, top 2-3% in class, captain of tennis team, crazy amount of volunteer work and leadership.

i saw people on here saying that financial aid/merit is still updating, does anyone know if that means the numbers being shown now could still change??

Got accepted, hammond scholarship (full ride )and foote fellow program.

Is anyone aware of when Stamps decisions will be announced? Thanks in advance.

How do you know if you got into the foote fellow program?

Son, from northwest Florida, is accepted with premier (Singer). The financial section does not show anything. We have to send proof of citizenship and W2s although we did the FAFSA a long time ago.

Congratulations to everyone who made it and hope others still have a chance.

My DD is so disappointed with her deferral 4.0 unweighted . 1350 sat top 5 percent at a very competitive highschool. Visited campus lots of APs , and ECs even started and runs a non profit. How likely is admission after deferral?

@jpayne66 D was accepted but have not received invite to scholarship weekend. Also mix emotions. After thinking about premier, it’s hard to think that opportunity is gone. Glad she got offered presidential and some grants, but it will requiere a lot of numbers crunching to make it happen.

ACCEPTED!!! 1400 sat and 3.6 GPA
How do I know if I got a scholarship?? would it be in the admission letter?
Also, they say there were 38,000 applicants for 2,100 spaces, making it a 5.5% acceptance rate… is that possible?

@gatinhufofo I was accepted too with similar stats. Congrats! Its 2,100 spaces in the freshman class so they likely accepted a lot more students due to yield.

Does anyone know where they announce merit aid? My financial aid information wasn’t complete so its not listed.

Anyone know how long until/if a big envelope arrives?

Hi. My daughter was accepted as a Foote Fellow but we see no mention of any merit money. Can anyone enlighten me? I would think that a Foote Fellow would receive merit money!

Deferred… kinda shocked. From California. Top 5% at a trilingual very competitive school. 33 ACT 760 french subject test, great EC’s… do they accept a lot of deferred students

Exactly! I want to know where I can find info about merit scholarships-- I was 100% expecting to receive one, since I’ve been getting merit money for more competitive schools

It looks like UMiami sent a package today.
I just got an email from FedEx that my parcel will arrive next Tuesday (I am international).

@chilly5 - congrats to your daughter! Was she invited to the scholarship weekend? Maybe she will find out more then

to find merit money:

student center>>>view financial aid>>>>2021+>>>menu>>>awards
I didn’t do the last two steps so for a while I thought I didn’t get a scholarship/aid

@gatinhufofo ^^^