University of Miami Class of 2024

EA decisions supposedly won’t be out until end of January (although I have checked my son’s account twice today and he did apply EA, not ED)!

@Retrospectacle so the 3.7 includes the extra weight? so whats the highest gpa you can get? is it over 4 over 5? do you recall your unweighted gpa?

sure !
gpa weighted 4

Cumulative 29 ACT, 31 superscore
3.7 unweighted, 4.3 weighted gpa
2 APs, all honors
Lots of volunteer work in and out of school
Good resume

@Retrospectacle so the 3.7 includes the extra weight? so whats the highest gpa you can get? is it over 4 over 5? do you recall your unweighted gpa?

My daughter got in. 33 ACT, 3.7 GPA weighted, 13 honors/AP classes, captain of state ranked soccer team, decent ECs, scuba diver and sailing instructor

My son got in for the Business school from NY. 33 ACT, 92 weighted GPA, 7 AP/IBs, several dual enrollment classes, good ECs and letters.

Has anyone still not heard


Just checking … no EAs? End of Jan?

Just got accepted!

3.55 GPA weighted
33 ACT
Total of 6 honors classes during high school
Total of 2 APs
Did nothing but theatre
Not sure how I got in :slight_smile:

so is the aid/ money package coming on monday?

accepted!!! congrats to all!!!
32 ACT
4.7 weighted, 4.0 unweighted
social science research awards
all honors and 6 APS
4 years crew

Accepted!! Congrats everyone!!
Has anyone found a facebook group or anything? If not, would anyone be interested in joining if I made one?

3.4 unweighted 4.7 weighted

100s of hours worth of community service
Strong essay(sob story about my past)

16 year old graduating early with my associates degree(main reason I got accepted for sure!)

What was your academic rigor? ( APs etc)

What were your test scores

Academic rigor is as good as anybodies. I am not only finishing high school early but with my associates degree.

Didn’t take any ap classes, but that doesn’t matter because the duel enroll classes are a bigger deal.

Test scores is the only blemish on my resume, and the first score I sent in for the sat was an 1100, i then retook it and got an 1150.

How many people do they admit ED? Anyone have an estimate?

Can someone chance me for EA?
1350 SAT
98.3 GPA weighted
Ranked 18/285
200 hours of community service
Showed high interest, kept in touch with admissions officer
7 APs