University of Miami Class of 2024


I got one too but I’m not sure if they sent it out to select students or everyone on the waitlist. I’ve shown continued interest and even sent them a couple emails. I hope I get in.

I got one too but I’m not sure if they sent it out to select students or everyone on the waitlist. I’ve shown continued interest and even sent them a couple emails. I hope I get in.

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My son, an international, got one too.

Did they release any waitlist decision??

@MYousry yes, many people have gotten off the waitlist or have been offered admission

yes i got the same survey

Anyone know when and if they are taking students off the waitlist?

Does anyone know what is going on with the registration for Chem 111 and other Chem courses? Are they just not running a bunch of courses in the fall?

@summerfun120 before june 15th for sure but i’m not sure if anyone’s gotten off recently

Other schools already started taking off the waitlist. Oh, well, the more waiting the less feel excited.

@Umiami2024 are they international students?

@MYousry I have no idea. I am just going based off of what other people have been saying in this forum.

I want to go so badly. Is there anything I could do now to get their attention and increase my chances?

I am waitlisted and did not receive an email survey. So sad because I would love to attend UM.

Has anyone gotten off since the survey was sent out?? It was sent out May 8th.

Not everyone on the waitlist received the survey? I assumed it was sent out to everyone.

@summerfun120 It seems that no one has gotten off the waitlist since May 1st. This could be wrong, but I haven’t seen anyone say anything since.

@umiamii2024 hmm yeah that’s what I saw too… hopefully, they start letting people know soon.

did everyone get the survey on May 8th?