University of Miami EA 2022

Just starting this b/c I know people will have questions about applications and all. EA should hear back around the 20th of January.

the 20th is on a Saturday, so I hope we hear back on Friday the 19th but we may have to wait until the 22nd

Why is it so late?

No clue. My guess is from Nov. 1- last week they reviewed ED applicants and now for the next month they’re focusing on EA.

Doesn’t really matter when your Frost audition isn’t until Feb 16 so much for applying EA
Good Luck to you all!

here it is @Anxiousmom12

Son has applied EA with 3.7 UW/4.1 W; 1480 SAT, 8 APs, 4-year varsity letterman and senior captain, many other ECs, Boys State, and hoping!

@“Michigan87#” I have similar stats and also went to Boys State!

Good deal. Not me, but my son. Waiting on EA decision… maybe you are destined to be my kid’s friend. Where are you from??

Anyone have any insight when we’ll start to hear?

probs the 26th

I’m applying for EA as an art major and classics minor, GPA weighted is 4.1, tons of Cambridge AICE classes, passed 4 out of 6 of the international tests, honors classes, 2 AP classes, 3 duel enrollment credits, varsity letter, 4 years of marching band, National Art Honors Society. My scores for ACT superscored is a 23, and SAT is a 1010 (not happy with testing at all). I honestly have no idea what my chances are, and I have emailed my designated admissions counselor (I’m from Lee County), about submitting a art portfolio, but no response. Anyone have any ideas?

im hoping its earlier than the 26th maybe the 19th? who knows…

I’ve heard from peers, that the EA decision will be released on Friday, January 20th.

@corahftw Friday is the 19th. Is that what you mean?

@"Michigan87# and @field2life On a scale of 1-10 in the world of extracurriculars, how big of a deal is Boys State? Somebody told me it was the equivalent of earning Eagle Scout? My son went and had a great experience, but it was only a week long so I always wonder when I see people mention it as being a game changer for their college admissions.

i heard they are going to be released this thursday or the 29th

@jackd341 yes, my apologies.

Just hard to know. I hear (and hope) it looks good, but have no idea how good vs. Eagle Scout or anything else. All just a crap shoot, it seems. And it seems like, if you go to Boys State and get elected to a big time role that shows particularly well. But again - who knows. Good luck to everyone.

does anyone know where they are posting decisions? is it on the website thing or will they be emailed