University of Miami - Early Action Decisions/When do we find out?!?!?!?!

Hey everyone! Just thought I would start this as we are approaching the “Mid-January” decision date for Early Action applicants. If anyone gets any information from now until the end of January as to when we will be receiving our decisions please post it here! Also if anyone wants to post their stats (test scores, GPA, extra-curriculars) do that too! Good luck everyone!!!

Somewhere between Jan. 15-Jan-31 is the most likely, per previous year’s dates.

I’m applying EA, my stats aren’t too stellar. Here’s the condensed version:

1980SAT (710M 660CR 610W)
4 year varsity wrestling
Chamber Choir

Same here, let me know when you guys get your decisions

3.50 UW
2030 SAT (700M 670CR 660W)

Man, more waiting… haha. I really want to know if I got in!

I applied EA. Some of my stats:
34 ACT. 2250 SAT.
3.53 GPA
Student Body President
Member of 2 varsity sports.
A lot of clubs. Lol.

Nervous. Does anyone know if I have a good chance at getting in? Or even getting scholarship money? Haha. Good luck to all of you guys!

@coloradoguy888 I have nearly identical stats to you. Let me know how much scholarship money you get, as I’m sure you’ll get in.

UW 4.0 and 34 ACT, first college I hear back from!!

does anyone know if we are told about scholarships when we receive our decisions?

Don’t believe we do. I called admissions and they said we will hear of our decisions in late January but the website says differently…

Everyone has such high ACT/SAT and GPA I’m so scared in won’t get in and UM is my top choice…

@coryfink admissions said we hear of the scholarship decisions in late jan? or just admission decisions

@samylda what are your stats?

Someone chance me please! Applied EA
Connecticut Resident
1860 SAT Score
4.42 GPA
Rank 4/316
7 Ap’s- Bio, Euro, Human Geography, Language and Composition, and American History - (Currently enrolled in 2) - All of my scores were a 4.
Class rigor: All AP/honor classes

Varsity Cross Country
Varsity Swimming
Varsity Track and Field

Shift leader at Dunkin Donuts (27 hours a week #ChildLabor)

Volunteer/community service:
240 hours tutoring special needs children during the summer- (ranging from multi-personality disorder to down syndrome).
2 annual Blood Drives
In a 24 hour event, My DECA officer team raised $50,000 for my Spanish teacher who recently passed away from stage IV Pancreatic Cancer.
In a creative marketing project I raised $1,200 dollars for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
NHS Tutor- 2 periods a day
Hosted a CT award winning anti-bullying assembly for sophomores. (x2)
Annual open house/ school tours. (x3)

Extra circulars:
International Club
Founder of Unicef Club
National Honor Society President
Class of 2016 treasurer (student government)
DECA Vice-President

AP Scholar with Distinction
Top 5%
Bausch and Lomb honorary science award
CT DECA state officer award
1st place in the Creative Marketing Project at DECA States
Top 20% at DECA Nationals (Orlando, Florida).

Loved my essay and had stellar teacher Recs.
Income: $100,000+
Race: White

@huziorm you have as good a chance as anybody. Your SATs are a bit below par, but your ECs more than make up for it. GPA and AP Scholar + Distinction is also impressive.

does anyone know when they released last year? as of now, I’m expecting it to be towards this friday/weekend because I thought they tell us mid-Jan. also, is it posted on cane link or do they email you or both?

@risingseniors it was Feb 6th last year i’m pretty sure. not sure about the email or update on cane link that we would have to look for ourselves. also, website says admission late january even though in the caption for early action it still says mid jan.

My daughter was advised by her guidance counsellor to apply early action to U Miami next year as it is test optional for international students.

I am curious however, if it is even worth applying Early Action if you don’t find out until February anyway? At least other EA schools, such as Northeastern, advise EA decisions before Christmas.

What are the benefits of applying EA compared to regular decision?

Peace of mind to have a non-binding acceptance to a desired school.

For my children, there were several benefits to EA. None of my 3 children felt strongly enough about 1 particular school to apply ED. By applying EA where possible they were able to complete their essays and get their applications out the door early in the fall. They even submitted applications to RD schools at the same time. In this way, they were done, and could focus on school and enjoy being a senior. Receiving an acceptance or 2, or more, before January relieved some stress. These kids only hear how hard it is to get into college, so having a couple of acceptances in hand was a relief, and provided a sense of accomplishment. I can see the stress on the kids who still do not have an acceptance.

@TomSrOfBoston and @Themclos Yes, I fully agree with your point. We will probably apply to Northeastern next year so hopefully we will have that in our pocket by Christmas. We will need to do some further analysis on UMiami though before deciding as the benefits of late January decision for UM vs. mid-March RD for some of the higher ranked schools may be less important to us, depending on how her SAT scores come out, as UM is test optional for us. Thank you for your comments.

@londondad You get to know a little earlier if you got in somewhere instead of having to weight till March/April. Also it’s non-binding, unlike Early-Decision.