University of Miami Net Price vs reality

Hello. Anyone at UM or applied and got in on here? I’m trying to gauge how close to the NPC COA is. My dd will apply in fall , probably ED, which is biding. We are under 50k annual income with no real estate or investments other than traditional 401k. Fafsa estimate is 3k a year. I ran it through … got a figure. Just looking for other’s experiences. I do realize we will need to fill out the CSS which will put our 401k in play.

CSS puts, depending on the school, home equity in play. Most use home equity, not 401K. The CSS is not there to help you.

Miami is aggressive with the $25K merit - and don’t forget, merit and need typically don’t stack (can’t say for them).

So if you’re not showing much in the NPC, you’d probably get nothing other than merit.

No property owned. Number in NPC looks good.

I’ll only tell you this. The CC is “littered” with stories of - I applied ED, the NPC said this, and they want me to pay $40K more than that.

ED can be broken - legally, I suppose ethically if you want to make the argument that the NPC was wrong. However, if you look at the stats, very few people break, or are able to break.

Also, why they say they’ll meet need, etc. etc. if you apply ED, they have you wrapped up. So the likelihood of you getting what you want - from money to programs goes down.

Also, Miami is not need blind, they are need aware. i.e. if you’re going to cost too much, they can turn you down - let’s say you’re borderline so they don’t want to pay for you vs. need blind schools that don’t make decisions in relation to finances. You can google a list of each.

I am not in your situation but it’s very sticky. Have you looked up the Questbridge program? That might be a safer option.

I might also call Financial Aid, once you’ve completed the NPC and walk them through it. See what they say.

For me, ED should only be used by the very wealthy - that are willing to spend the $300K.

Otherwise, you are rolling the dice. May be fine -but will be months of nerves.

ED is there for the school, not for you.


We have been in touch with quest bridge, they do not have the schools my daughter is interested in. Hence my I asked about the calculator how close to reality is it. We live in Fl and 2 state scholarships aren’t listed in it. If we can make it comparable to instate tuition /room
Board that’s great.

If you have pre-paid, I know there’s a cost discount. Not sure about the Bright Futures.

I would call Miami and discuss with them, not get your answers off this board.

I would 100% not apply ED - unless you are truly borderline academically. There are lots of fits out there for everyone and just because you think something is perfect, - get a bad prof or bad roommate and it could all go wrong.

The reason I would not apply ED is because it is binding (in theory) and you then create the unknown - what if you get in but your # isn’t right.

Again, they are need aware - if you do, in fact, need too much, they could bounce you for that.

We all need back ups - so in addition to the many public schools and depending on the academic accomplishments you have, I might suggest Alabama and MS as strong merit payers as well.

Good luck to your daughter.

PS - just for reference - my daughter had a 32 ACT, 4.5 weighted GPA - 9 APs and was deferred. She had friends admitted with $25K merit.

When she got her admit in the RD round (she applied early action), she got the same $25K.

btw - Questbridge - if you get into an elite school for free, your daughter is interested.

You need to have the economics lesson with her.

If dad struggles and you have a chance for an elite college at no cost, that’s a no brainer - and a far superior offering to Miami.

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I have a student at UM and recieve fin aid. DO NOT APPLY ED IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO PAY FULL PRICE! Apply EA instead. The NPC is not accurate. UM just this past year changed to a “need aware” school, they can factor in how much your student will cost them before they give decision. ED is a clear disadvantage to students that require need based aid, you will not have opportunities to compare offers and make best decision. ED is only an advantage to wealthy students that are not applying for financial aid. All of the top grants will still be available if your child applies EA or even Regular. UM is a very expensive school, costs will go up every year and off-campus living which is common for Jr-Sr year will cost you more money. The brand new housing Lakeside Village costs $16-$20k/year, compared to dorms of $9k. The claim to “meet 100% of need” is still met by including student federal loans and work study in the awards.

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Thank you! It’s so random. My friends daughter applied ED2 got in with a 4.0 no AP or DE though it was offered at the school, a 1210 SAT 2 years tennis and only volunteering for the requirement for our state scholarship of 1OO hours. Crazy. I see so many deferred. EA would probably be a better option for us.

Any ED is at the school’s advantage. Your daughter’s friend got in - because while her stats were lesser than the norm, she was a guaranteed butt in seat. That is better than an EA acceptance where they have a one in three to four chance of landing her. Don’t forget, these are businesses.

ED is fantastic for the wealthy and desperate to go somewhere specific - and they’ll pay whatever. If that’s not you, you do want options.

Many ED families very quickly regret that decision.

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Ran the NPC for my S a few months ago and it indicated he should get $50,000+ in need-based grant money. We are Pell Grant people - EFC below $5,000.

Got his FA package today - he got $8,500 in grant money (one semester only - he’s a Spring admit) so I estimate $17,000 for a full year.

Not even close to NPC. Cannot afford The U.

Applicants should be prepared.


That is crazy - did you ever inquire with UMiami?