University of Miami Transfer Fall 2021


so were in 2 weeks from now…?


If we hear nothing by 7 or 8 pm then i guess another 2 weeks…

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Congrats!!! Did you get any aid?

yall update got the green check back, idk what’s up with my portal

Im so disappointed lol

I fail to believe that I have to wait 2 more weeks.

Next Miami date is during my finals week :confused:

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Where on reddit did u see that?

also I think they r gonna come out may 5th

No, every 2 weeks. On Wed. Last wave was 2 Wed ago

5/12 dang that’s awhile

has anyone else received a response?

apparently people on reddit today idk

I just got in today a few hours ago - around 4 or 5 pm eastern time

So people did get responces today?
If you got your responce, when was your app completed?
Ive heard like many people apply awhile ago with no decison.

who on reddit? Did u get responce?

for those who didn’t hear today including myself are we apart of the rolling applications now or r we still priority appilicants?

well I’d assume so i think bc we still applied by the deadline they just haven’t done them yet