University of Miami

Hey I’m a junior from Little Rock and I was wondering at my chances of getting into Miami as of right now.

Weighted Gpa: 4.3
Unweighted: 3.97
(This is my gpa so far in high school)

Act score: 26 (Ik it sucks)

I play tennis and have been an Arkansas Prep the past two years (it’s honestly bogus but apparently colleges like it) and I’ve been all state tennis all of high school. I’ll be captain for senior year

I am in medical, Spanish, and amnesty club. I don’t have an officer position yet, but plan on taking roles on my senior year. I also plan to “revive” a table tennis club for senior year which already has sponsors and over 40 people signed up for it.

I have taken 8 AP/Honors classes so far

I have over 500 community service hours
•volunteered at animal shelter for couple
•Worked at setting up festivals at my local zoo
•Helped tennis tournaments
• But I get most of my hours from working at a camp called Camp Aldersgate. Aldersgate is a camp for kids with disabilities that prevent them from going to regular camps due to having things such as cancer, muscular dystrophy, and bleeding disorders. I absolutely love this camp and it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me honestly.

I took a People 2 People trip to Japan for 2 weeks to learn about their culture and history. I did a home stay in a city called Ito with a single mom and two kids. I was only with them for three days and I cried when I had to leave lol. I also helped teach English to Japanese students at Ito high.

I was a foreign exchange student in Bergamo, Italy last summer for a month with the Rotary Club. It was such a great experience and met people who once I hardly knew to being able to calling them family.

I did a Duke Tip program at Duke for several days and took a psychology course.

I am in the honors society for my school as well as Mu Alpha Theta for my good grades.

I for this summer I plan on taking the act again (as well as in September in my senior year) and plan on doing a marine biology program in UCSD for three weeks. I’m going to be doing research there and am currently waiting to see if I got into the scholars research for it. I love marine bio as well as psychiatry (total different bio fields I know) but UM has good departments for both of them.

Also, I have recently turned in my Foreign Service Essay over Yemen and it’s civil war disaster with Hadi, Huthis, Saleh for a contest (my teacher says I have a good chance to do well in it) and plan on turning my current research paper about the Great Migration into Concord Review.

I have interests in UM because I really like marine biology, psychiatry, and international studies and this school is great in all of these departments.

Sorry if you actually read all that but I just really wanted to get an idea of what my chances are. Websites such as Cappex says I have a good chance of getting in. And I know my act score is not great but since I’m from Arkansas and since only about 30% go to college, I thought I would have a good chance maybe.

PS TOTALLY forgot I scored better than 85% of the people on the PSAT (idk if that really matters but I plan on not taking the actual SAT)

Anyways sorry about all this! Hope for feedback! -Jack

@shahbrah23 You have a good chance. Keep up your GPA and you should be fine. Being from Arkansas does not hurt either. Also, take your ACT again.

If you did well on your PSAT, I would highly recommend taking the SAT, especially since your ACT score is on the low side. Supposedly, some students do better on one than the other although my kids scores were pretty comparable.