University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

^^^This. The Common Data Set (CDS) for Michigan states that the “level of applicant’s interest” is “considered.”

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Yes, it can’t be" its my number one ". Having a question you can’t find on the website is a good rule of thumb.

Speaking of writing letters to your AO. If deferred, they will give you an option to write a continuing interest email. My suggestion is to actually do it. Nothing is truly optional and if you want to show interest it’s an easy, great way to do it and just need like 1or 2 sentences.


Michigan is not as big of a no brainer for my twins because they don’t want engineering. One is in for McCombs already and the other is in for CNS. My daughter who is in for McCombs had a BHP interview a couple of weeks ago. I hope she gets into BHP. I was in BHP and I know what a great program it is.

Yes, our school recommends writing emails for continued interest if deferred.


BHP is awesome… Michigan is like top 10 for just about every major. It’s not an engineering school per se. Just has a good one.

Does Michigan care about demonstrated interest towards a major or school you applied to for preferred admission

Probably for the majors it would be through the Why Mich essay

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I wrote my AO a few times but I never got a response. Is that bad? do they keep track of that aswell?

and extracurriculars?

I don’t think so. My Northeastern AO never responses to me, granted I was deferred. Probs just busy


I don’t know if thats exactly dem interest but it would help overall

as long as you’re not over communicating, especially for things that you don’t really need to ask your AO, then it’s okay


Yeah I just feel like someone who applies to Ross and has experience with business would fare better than someone with same stats but less business-oriented ecs but idk maybe Im crazy

I wrote mine multiple times and he responded to all of them but at the same time, I wrote my Northeastern AO and she never responded and I was accepted. It’s more about whether they have time to respond seeing as they have hundreds of applications to get through.


Not really but that’s just surprising to me. They usually respond quickly. With covid who knows. But no not bad. Chill!

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^^^This again. D18 showed her interest in her essays and also, when a Michigan rep came to her HS campus, she attended the session and asked questions.

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My fa links show the year under award notices and documents but not under summary?

According to UMich, demonstrated interest is defined as the amount of exposure you have in the fields you have said you are “interested in,” not the amount of exposure you have to Michigan itself.

“While the University does look at “demonstrated interest,” he wrote that it is not in terms of the number of visits or phone calls as some other colleges do. Rather, he wrote that is about the applicant’s demonstrated interest in their field of study, such as medical interest for Nursing applicants or musical experience for Music, Theatre & Dance applicants.”


so helpful! tysm!

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that’s what everyone has.

It is so unlikely we will find a trick now, hours before the decision. So I would try to relax as best you can and not worry about stuff like this. It is too late to change the decision at this point anyway so it is all out of your hands.

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