University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

some people on reddit claim they got decisions today. anyone here?

Not us

There are people on Reddit that do this. Not sure why. Rule of thumb… New person… Probably not true. Just one person. Definitely not true. A lot of people… Check your portal… :joy::ballot_box_with_check:

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Woah i thought UMich would be slightly better with their financial aid, they gave me $800. As an OOS it makes UMich unaffordable and frankly almost not worth it. Is there anything i can do other than call them up. They said that my parents’ retirement plan looks juicy. (I’m heavily paraphrasing there, but you get what i mean)

Sorry to hear that but everybodies financial situation is different. They do give oos financial aid. It’s hard when your stuck in the middle.

Have your parents call. If there is a new situation not on the forms you sent then they will make adjustments. COVID has truly effected lots of families… Good Luck.

no, it definitely came out for quite a few people. it was the architecture and music school only though. no LSA or COE.

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Well you didn’t say it was those 2 schools… Lol. Yes they are on a different time scale…

Well it’s almost March. It will be here soon.

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could LSA come out next week? weird the admissions office said “no releases today” but then released for music/architecture.

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They don’t always tell you the whole truth and might of assumed you were talking about LSA. I really don’t know but would assume there would be one in March. Hope it would be next week but that’s just an uneducated guess. They had so many more applications then expected I am just assuming they are seeing who commits early so they know how many more spots they will have left. This truly is a different year and the waiting can be agonizing.

I would highly suggest getting to know your affordable 2 and 3rd choices now. This way your prepared to start making decisions right away.

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UM does not include retirement funds like 501k or IRA accounts in determining ability to pay, but does include voluntary retirement funds, as well as net worth of your family’s house and other real estate, as well as net worth of the family’s business assets.

If you can appeal and reduce your family contribution, then go for it.

However, since you have expressed your honest assessment of the situation, I would hope that if you conclusively find that your family cannot afford UM, that you withdraw your acceptance at UM and other schools that you will not or cannot attend, and do so quickly. My son just did that at most of his other schools and we are waiting for UM like everyone else.

If the family is taking distributions currently that could also have been factored in. I don’t think retirement savings are supposed to be taken into account for any school. Another factor could be if they have a second home. I would be surprised if it’s solely based on the retirement issue as when you get your financial aid award they don’t usually tell you why you were dinged.

I’ve asked this before, but keep trying to research this to learn more. Does UMich actually deny anyone Early Action? I’m hearing from multiple sources that everyone not accepted is defered. This is hard to comprehend. If they have a pile of deny from EA to keep stringing students along in this hard enough year as it is just isn’t ethical. I don’t know anyone that was denied. on a bazillion group chats on snap and insta from nearby schools in my county, etc. and no-one denied.

Yes they do. You need to get with it and read the 4,000 posts here :open_book::wink:.

This is just a microcosm of the world and some on here were rejected. The people you know most likely are stellar students. Few would apply to Michigan without great stats.

The next round I predict you will see more rejections. They had a large increase of applicants as most schools did this year. The gaulet is coming. Good Luck.

I’ve never heard of anyone that has ever been denied UM during EA. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen and according to the poll that was done a few random people said they were denied, but sometimes people view postpone as deny or get confused on what a decision means so who really knows, or it can be a very small program they applied to, but generally you’re correct, everyone basically gets rolled to RD.

After reading what is going on at U-Wisconsin which sounds like a total mess, a) with how their rollout of EA went, and then now b) emailing RD applicants that they have a record number of applications that they will not be notifying anyone until April 3 be happy Michigan at least said by April. But it is ridiculous and these schools need to be more transparent about the whole process.

@49edison I think you and I seem like we’re on the same page and if I’m wrong here please correct me, but I think once a school in these scenarios has already released decisions in waves as UW, UM and others have, then they should also release rejections in waves as well and not hold them until the end. Everyone knows there are plenty of kids that apply to some of these schools that have no business applying or apply for ■■■■■ and giggles. Not competitive applicants, missing half an application, no real interest, sub standard GPA, etc. Just do them the favor and move them. The extra anxiety they cause the student and cost in some cases of kids who make visits, is completely unnecessary.


It makes perfect sense! There is no benefit for the school to trap the students who they don’t want in the game for months. How is it so difficult to have some transparency? This is already a very stressful process for the applicants. The behavior of deferring everyone at UM is not understandable at all. Anyway, we regarded the deferral as a denial and have moved on. We just had the first choice last Friday.

Good luck, everyone!

UVA followed this model. If you look above at my posts about UVA, they have already admitted most of the incoming class in ED and EA. The EA was pretty brutal, with many rejections of legacies, URMs (and legacy URMs!) with tests and GPAs above last year’s mean percentiles. My son applied RD and we are expecting a rejection from UVA. The EA decisions were pretty traumatic in many NOVA households but at least we got resolution and have written off UVA.

Good luck to you and your child! This approach does stink - there was a poster here from a parent whose child went through multiple deferrals during a previous year and was ultimately admitted, only for the child to end up at Stanford. So go figure.

BTW, please see above for my PSA about withdrawing ASAP from UM and other schools if you have moved on.

100% about UVA and not only that, Dean J has been phenomenal. My son was one of the beneficiaries of an OOS admit. It was one of the schools he was set to visit last Spring Break that was cancelled and we are making the trek this year but really only so he can see the campus and drive around since we have no intention of going in any building. Only I have been vaccinated so we have to be uber careful, etc. If it were close enough for us to drive, we would do that, but too far!

There were still a lot deferred but like you said, they at least also didn’t hold up anyone as far as the rejections and whittled them down.

There’s still hope for your son if he applied RD so never say never! It’s still on my son’s list even though their Engineering isn’t as strong but because more overall opportunties, better overall ranked than his other options so far and he also doesn’t want to go where 20 other kids from his school are going, but there are some negatives too. Plus from the parental side, it’s almost as much as I’m paying for an Ivy League education for one of my kids and that’s just a lot of WOW factor for a school that may not have the best program for what he wants!

I agree with @NovaLox. Not much of chance for anyone during UVA RD. Over 20,000k applications (RD and deferred apps) for about 400 spots. I have also advised my kid to move on from UVA and expect a rejection. Chances are ridiculously low.

We’re in NOrthern VirginiA (NOVA), so my wallet would be happier if my son went to UVA.

However, I am a UM alum, and I guess the brainwashing was too effective, because he really wants to go to UM! Plus, like most teenagers he wants to go out of state. Anyhow, if he gets into UM, we’ll make it work. We’ve told him that he may have to wait through the summer to get in, if at all.

Fortunately, he has offers from Pitt and VirginiaTech. He withdrew from VT. The Pitt acceptance (plus healthy merit $ that makes it cheaper than VT in state) makes the situation bearable. Without that, we would have even more nausea from the admissions chaos!

UVA is a beautiful campus. The town and campus blend together well like AA and Chapel Hill. Your son would be happy there. The Graduate Hotel has a location at UVA and it is lovely!

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