University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

@QballMom Yuck, didn’t realize 20k for 400 spots left. Brutal. But, someone has to get those offers, so why not your kids? But I get it, especially this year. With so many schools waiting until April for notifications and people waiting to see if they get merit or financial aid, many are not pulling offers so schools don’t have a clue what’s what.

@novalox I get the UM factor. My son isn’t that interested in UM but I think it would be a much better all around fit for him than some other schools if he were later accepted. They accepted a lot of kids from our school during EA in LSA which is more than they usually do, but he applied Engineering along with a host of others and other than 2 all were “postponed”. One postponed already has a school he prefers over UM the other I think is probably going there. I guess we just wait. Few overall have committed relative to other years so that means they’re probably waiting for other RD schools so it may be a long wait.

Our visit last year was supposed to be UVA, UNC, and Duke. I had seen the latter two with my daughters, but my son was at camp and my husband didn’t come, so here we go for Round 2 as I think we are going to drive by UNC, easy campus to just drive through and he was wait listed (don’t expect that to turn into an admit and he’d go back for a visit if he got in and it was still in the running) and he did apply to Duke but of course that’s a huge long shot but you need to walk that campus but it’s small so we might as well do that now too. So tough for these kids!

When my oldest looked at Carnegie Mellon we also looked at Pitt. I really liked Pittsburgh. Did not feel at all like a large city. Cute little neighborhoods and you can easily walk to places. Great option if it comes to that. For us, it may be Purdue if not UVA (if others don’t pan out) as I think he’s ruled out the scholarship at Miami (OH), just my luck.

Just do a search on the word “denied.” Post #2538 was a denial.

Michigan does deny in EA. CC is just a really small sample of high achievers.

If your son doesn’t want to go to the #2 ranked Men’s Basketball school… Lol​:basketball::wink:, then why force the issue? If I may ask what schools is he down to that he wants to go to?

He still has a bunch he is waiting for and having gone to a school that won a national championship when I was there, it is not all about sports. And if Michigan can lose to Minnesota, as you know, any team can beat any other team on any day, so don’t get too cocky there! Also, you’re welcome for the assist in making Michigan #2 this week by my school knocking off Baylor. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, I did. That is literally one post out of 4000+
I scrolled through every post from Jan 29th on once EA decisions were released. all the rest deferrals.
I just think this is wrong. The school is not going to re-review every single application again. Or do they? who knows? They must internally have a set of rejections and a separate pile of the legitimate maybe’s. If honestly not in the “maybe” pile, just let us know already. It’s hard enough that EA decisions were released late this year as everything has been pushed back. Mental health needs to be a factor here too.


Then you must have seen the poll where at least 7 applicants were rejected.

UMich defers a lot of applicants every year, going back as far as I was willing to research, which was about 8-10 years. Same complaints every year. And this year, UMich has received a record 80,000+ apps.

Also the same conspiracy theories (no EA rejections, don’t review all the EA apps, etc.) are floated every year.

While it’s not the same process, my D is waiting on the UC’s to release decisions. And for UCLA, with 140,000 apps, we’ve set our expectations low.

Relax and have a Plan B and C ready and available.

And do you care to share the school’s. If not that is OK… FYI. Lol. Kenpom had them at 2 without factoring in Baylor…

Its not all about sports just having some fun with you.

I have just seen some miserable kids going to schools they didn’t want to be at. Either high schools or colleges. That is the only reason I ask. I realize this is not your first rodeo and you know how to parent your kids. Didn’t mean anything by it .


That was like 6 weeks ago missing Eli Brooks, one of their 8-men rotation. But we all remember UMBC and Virginia.

BTW, two of the b-ball players are in my D’s class though she can only see them via zoom. I told her to wear her Gonzaga sweatshirt to class one morning, but she’s not the S-disturber that I am. :grimacing:

No, don’t want to share them all at this time, but he will be one of those kids possibly stuck waiting until the last minute. He has 4 acceptances, a waitlist and 2 deferrals now with no rejections. I am sure the rejections will come, as they always do, and it would be a lot easier in many ways if they just rejected from the get go.

He’s not opposed to going to Michigan. If he were he wouldn’t have applied. The rule in our house is you cannot apply anywhere you wouldn’t be ok attending. It’s just not his first choice, that’s all. He will need to figure it out, but considering we don’t even have a tour scheduled until the end of April for one of the schools he was accepted into, this may very well be a May 3 decision. I’m just thankful he is my chill kid and just not letting it bother him.

That’s funny. Well, let’s hope for UM sake that they got Covid out of their system. The NCAA rules now for the tourney and covid are pretty strict. I wonder how many teams are going to be disqualified because of it because as we all know, these kids cannot just sit still.

The UMich b-ball team didn’t have one case of Covid during the 3-week pause. And I wouldn’t want to cross Juwan. Juwan is bigger and meaner than everyone there.

Cool. I am helping a friend’s daughter a friend’s daughter and I see you on other threads… I won’t say anything :wink:… But good luck. They all seem to do well where they land.

Oy… Say what you want about Michigan but they have done really well on the covid front. Would be a real shame if these kids couldn’t play this season out…

OK, back to school talk…

If you don’t mind me asking, what school have you decided on. Also from NJ.

The team maybe, but not UM. The tournament rules are ridiculously punitive for any team, it’s almost over the top and also makes no sense because a team with a high seed could very well be replaced by a much lower seeded team between the bracket announcement and Friday when the first games are played. Hopefully it all goes as planned and no team is disqualified. Should be exciting nonetheless to finally see some basketball action back in, of course so many think Zaga will run away with it, but anything can happen and that’s why it’s March Madness!

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I think he’s smarter than most of us and going for some warmer weather in the South!

My son got in U Florida. It’s a full ride with NMF, so we are happy to have the great option. He most likely will attend UF if he doesn’t win a lottery at those top schools in March.

Thanks! Good to you see you around :slight_smile:

Wisconsin is a total show. I honestly think their admissions office is run by Michael Scott. My husband and I both have told people to really think before applying there and research how well the institution is run as a whole.

Congrats! Great school and campus. Visited with my older son. You might need to invest in a Vespa soon!