University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

We booked a trip in two weeks. Thanks for the advice. Probably, we will go for a scooter as a cost-effective solution :laughing:


Haven’t been there in 4 years. But I do remember all the students zipping around on their scooters heading to/from class.

Good luck!

Sorry for the diversion. Back to Michigan.

None of my kids liked WI when we visited so it was easily eliminated. I’m not sure what my daughters expected though. It was the first (maybe second) visit we took and a lot of kids go there from here and it just didn’t live up to their expectations. I find it to be a very compact campus. My senior found it too hilly which is pretty hysterical especially considering where he applied, but whatever!

Something is definitely off this year. Usually from our school they don’t take many or defer a lot and then in the later rounds a bunch will get in, but still not a ton. Well, this year a ton got in from EA. Virtually everyone and by everyone, I mean it could be like 30-40 kids. Not only that, these are kids that in a normal year would have never gotten in before. For our school we wonder if they’re playing around with their yield somehow and taking lower students so they know they will commit and get the $ since they lost a lot of state funding. I don’t know but all these kids that got in there, were rejected Ohio State (not even deferred) and other schools they should’ve gotten in. Wisconsin would have been a reach. Anyway, they immediately committed. I think we’re up to about 10 commits already. When my son got deferred from his ED I wanted him to apply to Wisconsin just as a safety but when he got into Purdue then it was a non-issue. But something is definitely off there and many of these schools have to do something better or at least review what they can do differently and better for next year when they’re going to be test optional again, even though many haven’t announced it yet.

Can you share why he declined Miami (OH)?

Did you receive the NMF merit scholarship along with the acceptance?

My student has been accepted to UF Honors program and is a NMF but I haven’t heard anything about merit $ from my teen.

EDIT: Got 20K/yr merit $ on March 8th.

I think it’s two-fold. One that was his safety, but he really wants to go to the best nationally ranked program for his major and overall school for what he applied to and he’s looking for certain factors. He’s also interested in a specific CS track and that’s one issue he’s having with UVA as they don’t have a lot of offerings in that but it’s a more well rounded school. Miami is also really in the middle of no where and while it’s a beautiful campus I think he just feels he has better options at the moment. He’s fortunate in that he is able to look at a school without regard for the financial aspect and not take that for granted that not everyone can do that. Miami is also very preppy and my kid is definitely not that. I’m not quite sure he would even fit in there.

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@NJ08809 and @midwestmum Congrats to your kiddos!

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Ha… The mods have been very lient with us… Lol… This is a pretty active thread and this is a waiting period… Once someone states they love Ohio State then it will be shut down… :wink:


Thank you!

Postponed at UM. But with no likelihood of merit $ from Michigan and the high cost, my teen has already moved on (though I haven’t! I want to keep all options upon.). We have a few other good choices with honors program plus merit scholarship, so I’m hoping it’ll all work out in the end.

Good luck to you!

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Sorry if this has been asked but does anyone know how many LSA students have already been accepted and how many more they will accept.

And out of a pool of how many applicants

None of that information is available by school. What I can tell you is that roughly 7,000-8,000 applicants are TYPICALLY accepted in EA, roughly 50% of all acceptances. And this year, Michigan received 50,000+ EA apps.

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I have a boy attending that school down south :wink: He’s not very happy that his sister applied to Michigan :slight_smile:

What do you mean about a total show? My D is considering Wisconsin. It is her second choice. I am really not impressed so far. Plus, she got into UF - honors, in-state (which means I don’t have to pay out of pocket because I prepaid when she was born and she has the Bright Futures Scholarship). Michigan is her dream school, DH is the Wolverine (I am the Gator).
So I might be biased but I don’t think Wisconsin is worth spending $52,000++ a year on, whereas Michigan is worth spending $75,000++++.
We feel it is a step above other state schools.

I would love more information about your experience with Wisconsin.

in MA no decision

show = sh*t show

So by you saying you’re not impressed so far, you’re spot on!

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That’s a great deal! UF is a fine school and even better when full-ride!

I know that!
UF is weird, every year there is that one kid who has a great GPA and great scores that doesn’t get in, so of course we encouraged her to apply to as many colleges (within reason) that she wanted to. She wanted Big 10 or SEC. With her “postponed” Michigan decision and UF’s late decision date, we have been seriously looking at her other schools. I was scrolling through the thread when I saw the Wisco comment, so any feedback is appreciated as I don’t know much about it and when it comes to decision time, I need to state my case, even though I hold the purse strings! Cute name by the way!

It’s funny because we parents loved the Wisconsin campus. My son didn’t care for it either… But… It’s on the water and so nice in the spring when we looked at it… But we didn’t care for UIUC either and others like it.