University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Did u apply RD? I did not get this email and I got deferred EA. I did submit my LOCI before February 5, however.

Yes, I applied RD
I don’t think receiving the email was an indication of anything. I bet it was because I had just received my portal information a few days prior. Anyway, good luck to all of you! I am super anxious about Mich decisions, but I am so thankful for this supportive community, so thank you all


this is very toxic people can apply where ever they want. you don’t get to decide who deserves to apply

We got a decent but not huge FA offer from Michigan, have any additional scholarship announcements been made or is there an ETA on that potential piece of FA assistance? Without it, UM pretty much drops off the list.


Call and talk with Michigan FA if you were already awarded something. Covid has come into play with people’s ability to make a living. If you have information that helps make your case of why you need more funds they will be more then happy to help. Everyone’s circumstance is different especially if you own your own business /self employed… Good luck.


Does anyone know the earliest date by which we can hear RD? I applied EA to Ross but got deferred. I just got into Cornell but I would at least consider going to Michigan over Cornell if I get into Ross.

They said we will all hear by mid-April on their portal. That’s about as good as we know. I assume they’d let us know before May 1, but that’s basically all that can be guaranteed at this point.

How did you just get into Cornell? Isn’t RD April 6?

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There are 2 schools at Cornell (SHA and ILR) and one at Penn (nursing) that can send acceptances before Ivy day, per the Ivy agreement (see 1b):

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As comtnmom alluded to, I was accepted to SHA at Cornell.



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Got it. Congrats!

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Woah what a beating Michigan took tonight!! This is going to be such an interesting end to college basketball tournament as the Big 10 wraps up their season.

I blame @Knowsstuff for getting too cocky.

There’s a hilarious tweet out there about a “live look” at the game tonight with a dumpster on fire, floating on water, down the middle of a flooded street. I sent it to D18 and she texted back “too soon.”

And comparing Michigan basketball to Michigan football. Ouch.

100% Hahah read my pm I just sent you!

UIUC colors are fire orange!! Burn baby burn is right!

I played and coached. We have a technical term that we use when describing a game like that. They “sucked.” Brutal.

Better to suck now than in the tournament. That’s what makes zaga beatable. I’m blanking on the word I want to use.

Whoa!!! They looked gassed from the start. They are all playing lots of games in a short amount of time. Give Illinois credit for having everyone’s energy. No one had legs on Michigan.

OH well… Michigan State is actually playing better at the right time… Should be interesting but I would rather take the beating now then later.