University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Exactly. Get that game out now. They could very well match up again in the finals of the Big 10 tournament and what a tournament and game that will be!

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I was hurting last night. Lol… They normally turn it on second half. Yikes… There was nothing there. They all looked like they did all-nighters studying for a Chem final or something (have no clue how they actually study).


hahahah thank you! So sorry for the late reply I was extremely busy with my mock exams and didnt check cc.

I got the scholarship package about 8 days after the acceptance but the portal told me that I was going to get a scholarship on the day I got admitted itself. Btw it was a normal merit scholarship.

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From 2019 but still relevant.

This is from the student newspaper.


Thanks for posting. Very helpful!

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When does honors results come out?

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Hey all its been a while. I just wanted to know how we would declare our majors. I thought I did on common app when applying but enrollment connect showed me as undeclared while waiting on the decision. I thought it would change after a decision but I got the acceptance decision and my major was still displayed as undeclared on the portal. Anyone know how/when we would do this? I plan to major in neuroscience!

All students declare their major in/by the Winter semester sophomore year.

As stated. Your accepted so it doesn’t matter. You will do it officially end of Sophomore year. But you can raise your right hand and state “I declare X, major”… There… congratulations :confetti_ball::wink:

Go Blue.


My son just received his email that he did not get the Engineering scholarship for OOS students. Anyone else?

Is this one he had to apply separately for?

I saw this blog post by the director of undergrad admissions at Georgia Tech about this year’s admissions chaos:…ld-in-2021-everyone-shorts-it/

His bottom-line advice is copied below.

1- If you applied to a handful of selective colleges, don’t be surprised if you get waitlisted this year. If you are so angry that you want to write them off, don’t accept your spot on the waitlist. If you can put your ego aside and temper expectations (since hundreds, or possibly thousands of other kids are also on the waitlist), deposit elsewhere and sit tight. Don’t expect to come off the waitlist, and don’t expect much financial aid if you do. In some cases, you will be pleasantly surprised on one or both counts. But set your expectations based on fiscal reality and statistics.

2- When you get accepted (or if you already have been) ask your questions. Colleges need students, now more than ever. Yield is what it’s all about and you are precious to the places that offered you a spot. Want to know about a deposit extension? Gap year policies? Financial aid reconsideration? Fall plans for course delivery? It’s all on the table, so ASK YOUR QUESTIONS!


Hey srparent15 - I see you over on the UIUC EA page - The beautiful thing about Illinois beating UMich in bball (Ok, as a UIUC alum, that’s always a rare but beautiful thing) is my S21 finally recognizes that Illinois actually has a sport to cheer for. He has been admitted at some great schools, including in-state UIUC, but is set on dying on the hill called “UMich deferral”!

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Rick Clark writes the best college admissions blog period. All his advice is so accurate.

Sort of a weird question here. If I wanted to switch from Engineering to LSA to major in history after hypothetically being accepted at the COE, is this an easy process? I’m sort of interested in possibly being a history teacher as a future career, so I’d also potentially look into the School of Education, but is anyone familiar with the process to apply to that?

Heh, heh, we don’t go over there and brag… :wink::basketball:. They fell asleep. Like the whole team at the exact same time… Hopefully today will be a bit better but MSU is playing improved basketball but think Michigan will be kinda pissed today… Not that I care or anything :rofl:

It’s called a cross campus transfer. When you meet with your advisor you can set it up. Just meet the requirements but it’s pretty easy. Your first year is just taking core classes anyway for the most part. They usually say you have to stay in your major for the first year. But the deadline think is February 1st to have the application in. You don’t have to meet all the requirements at that point but have the application in. Yes, another essay is needed also.

Again, if already accepted you could also speak to your counselor now. There is a reason you applied to engineering. I would question yourself why before making the switch and again the counselors are really helpful in that regard.


Appreciate it, thank you! I have not been accepted yet at this point, postponed from Early Action. I am not sure whether or not I’ll actually end up at UMich, but it is something I hope for, mainly due to cost, location, and I love the campus.

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Has anyone who was postponed in Early Action received a decision yet?
