University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I know last year they had a wave of decisions for EA deferred applicants that came around a month after EA was released. In this years timeline, that would be around this week or next week. What days does UMich usually release on again?

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Well, Fridays. Many think there could possibly be a release tomorrow after 3 :00 pm eastern. This year is a bit different… Hold tight…


I personally think they will release tomorrow for postponed applicants especially because if the Ross dates include 3/19, how could they possibly release Ross AGAIN without admitting anymore students? That makes no sense to have no new applications to review in between the first Ross wave and the second Ross wave. I know not all were reviewed in the first round, but the point stands that they wouldn’t dedicate two Ross waves to just the early action kids.


I agree - hoping for a wave tomorrow. Thinking at this point though if my son gets accepted it won’t be until after Ivy Day when some of the very top applicants withdraw their applications. I like to always think positive but I am also a realist - Michigan is always competitive especially for OOS but this year (thank you COVID) it’s next level competitive.


@sushiritto and @Knowsstuff how would we know what classes to take if we don’t tell them our major first? I am so confused lol so sorry if I am asking dumb questions.

No dumb questions. Yes you sign up with a major in mind but you have till sophomore year second semester to finish the prerequisites . Some want to go into engineering or medicine and never reach that goal. Many switch majors multiple times.

So yes, you will meet with an advisor and they will go over your 4 year plan. You will pick classes for your proposed major and move forward. It’s just semantics…

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Keep in mind for most students the first year core classes are very similar. Calc 2 is Calc 2 regardless what your going into… In junior year your really start to focus more on your major… For most majors.

Oh ok I get it. Thank you so much! When does the app for housing open?
Also this thread has helped so much it is insane, I would be so lost without it.

Awesome… Talk to housing… My son didn’t get his housing assignment till like July or August if I remember and still ended up on Central in West Quad…


@bungeecord During orientation, you meet with an advisor. Before you attend orientation, you will take placement tests, math, chem, language, etc. You bring your AP results and plot a path to your future major. Standard stuff.

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Did you just post and delete regarding activities coming up in weird way?
What was that link?

Can you put that link back on?

and what do you mean by activities?

anyone accepted apply/receive merit money?

Oh dang ok. I read in that article you or someone sent up there that West Quad was the best dorm at U of M. I hope I get that too lol.

Ohh ok. I bet a lot of my questions will be answered during orientation so I should probably just hold tight until then.

It’s a great dorm but picking it is out of your control. Just enjoy what you get. Hopefully this fall will be much better then last

About a week before EA decisions came out the portal shut down. Will that happen again for these deferred waves?


Here is the reddit link to people talking about it. I don’t think it means anything