University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Son just admitted 25 min ago to LS&A after being deferred early action. Sitting tight for Ross now… (out of state)


I called admissions and the lady said “If you didn’t hear today at 3:00 then you will likely hear in early April. That is the plan, however, it is of course possible that there could be one more wave in between now and then.”


Will everyone hear some sort of decision today or just those admitted?

if you didn’t hear a decision today then there’s no decision today.


What state if you don’t me asking. We are waiting too OOS!

No changes to my son’s portal either way.


so did people get the emails or just checked the portal?

This is probably the same lady that told everyone no decisions for anyone until April. So clearly that was wrong info. But we just keep waiting for another week and on it goes, lol!

There was no email. We had to check the portal to see the decision.

Not everyone. If you haven’t heard today, expect it to be March 26 or into April.

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I think the next potential and final release dates will either be Friday’s 3/26 and/or 4/2. Probably one of them, but not both. But who knows for sure.


Thank you!!

How do you know so well when the dates are?

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for people who got in today–when did you submit your letter of continued interest? I’m wondering if there’s a correlation between early submit time and acceptance this wave.

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Fairly sure it doesn’t matter. They haven’t released any decisions since it became available and then taken offline after 2/20.


Does anyone know how many people were admitted in this wave today? I’m beginning to lose hope because now that I didn’t get in, I won’t be able to hear back from Ross until their April date.

I still see my Expression of Continued Interest pop out when i log in.

No updates for my student.

After other acceptances, the kid is only mildly interested in UMich now, especially due to the cost, but it would be nice to know and get it over with!

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My daughter is OOS (Missouri) and got accepted today as well. Checked around 3:30 eastern time, but probably posted earlier.


Two questions for those who got accepted today (and congrats to you):

  1. Did you say “first choice” in your LOCI?
  2. Did your LOCI reply directly to the specific prompt they had up there for a while?

I didn’t do either of those, and am still waiting…qualified OOS and from a school where some seemingly less qualified legacies were accepted EA. Thanks

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