University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Still no news for me… I am into Cornell and probably going there but it would be so nice to be able to cross UMich off the list, even if that may be with a rejection. If I did get into Ross I would seriously consider over Cornell, but that’s looking highly unlikely considering that I haven’t even been admitted.


In terms of Ross admissions (and other schools too), as time passes, I think the probability decreases. By how much, no one knows, depends on yield.

The last decision date Ross BBA has posted on the blog is 4/16, so if the next round of RD decisions is 3/26 or 4/2, then I think there’s still a decent chance.

Also, I’m sure there will be at least some movement even later than 4/16, but I think that’s “one-sey, two-sey” type admissions.

Congrats on Cornell. You may get into Michigan yet. I’m a Cornell engineering alum and went to Michigan for my MBA (before it was called Ross) so, like me, you could eventually end up at both places! I loved my experiences at both!

Ross still has two rounds of decisions left. So anybody that’s still deferred after today and later admitted will only have one more opportunity for Ross. Obviously the less space that remains means later doesn’t help, but I’m sure Ross monitors how many students have been admitted and how many are expected to still come later, and then adjusts the size of their rounds appropriately.

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Considering it a rejection now and moving on since I didn’t receive an update today.


Thank you very much. It has been extremely stressful for us, as it has been for everyone this year.

Never have I been happier to press a credit card payment button on the internet, when I paid the enrollment deposit!

My son is now starting a season of NCAA 2014 as the Michigan Wolverines to destress (we have an old copy for the PS4). Hopefully he will do better than Coach Harbaugh!


I was thinking the same thing…

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Thank you! My son has been wanting to go to UM his entire life! He repeatedly watched the “Baby Wolverine” DVD as a newborn (it worked)!

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Your paying your first. I paid my last… Tell your son to get involved in groups /activities. The opportunities are there for the taking…

Haha great post and Mazel Tov!

My D18 could do a better job than Harbaugh. No, but seriously folks.

Sorry for my late reply, but yes!
Instate Student
1420 SAT (710 Math/R&W)
4.1 Weighted GPA
3.85 or so Unweighted
9 AP’s or so (Most related to Engineering tbh, AP Chem, AP Calc BC, AP Physics C Mech, APCSP)
Pretty good extracurriculars (not all related to major however, MUN and Mock Trial, although I do work at a uBreakiFix, so that is useful)
Not much leadership experience before this year

My major plan is currently Electrical Engineering, I checked Enrollment Connect right around 3 (like 3:01)


Did anyone got accepted in LSA/Biology major today? Really bummed with no update.

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Like the Friday before the deadline I’m pretty sure (so 2 days before?)

OK, thanks for letting me know!


I see. Thanks! Congratulations to your student! That is exciting. And you are correct, Ivy doesn’t = better education depending on what your kid wants to study. I still think your kid has a great chance at UMich. I remember going through the same thing last year with my son, and it was super disappointing watching wave after wave of acceptances and he kept getting deferred. He is a freshman at UMich now. It will work out, and your student will be going to a great school either way!

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No problem! My SAT for Engineering is less than average, so definitely goes to show grades aren’t the only factor

Did anyone in New Jersey get accepted today? Also, when is the next wave of decisions?

My D (who was accepted today, RD) didn’t say Michigan was her first choice and did not reply to the prompt in her LOCI. I don’t know exactly what it said though because I don’t read her essays. I’m not sure the LOCI matters that much. She wrote hers in about 20 minutes.

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& what about movement science?