University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Is U of Michigan providing in person tours? I just saw that someone on Villanova forum mention in person tours there…

Call and ask. Things keep moving quickly with covid.

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Quick question so me and 2 other classmates applied to umich. 1 applied to the engineering school, the other person & me applied to LSA. Will I be competing with the engineering student or just the LSA student ?

Michigan admits by school.


My D21 was admitted to Ross today too. She was an EA admit to LSA.

UW 3.96
SAT 1520
Lots of great EC, AP, IB


Very excited!!!


Well, we will hear our decisons within the next few weeks!! That is so soon!! Hoping for good news for us all!

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Does anyone know when you’re supposed to receive your Ross package?

i think we are very likely to receive our rd decision by next friday the 26th. It really would not hurt to check portal every friday at 3…


Mine says coming in on Wednesday

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If you don’t mind me asking, what state are you in?

I’m from Toronto Canada

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Anyone hear any juicy rumors about a decision this Friday? Many seem to think 3/26 or 4/2 but has anyone heard which day is more likely? I feel like I’m stuck on an island & every Friday I hear the faint sound of a helicopter but then the sound fades. Really hoping to be rescued on 3/26!


Great description… If I am a betting man I say this Friday…

But don’t ever bet against Sister Jean… That’s all I can assure you.:basketball::joy:


Go Blers!

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Do you happen to know how many apply to the WISE RP (only 100 get in), and if they randomly select roommates if you do not already have someone to pick in the program (or if they have a questionnaire and try to match)? Thanks!!

No officials tours. We were there this weekend and could only walk around campus. Can’t go inside buildings. Ann Harbour is a very cute town with shops and many restaurants. You see students, lots of them, walking around all wearing masks.


I called the admission office today and they said “they are running behind on application reviews” and to expect decisions on 4/2. I only spoke to one person.

Was wondering if you had any info indicating 3/26 would be the date.


Go with that unless someone comes on here and says different…

Scripts came out today… That’s something… :wink:

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What a game! This tournament has been chock full of upsets and I’m glad UM didn’t get upset tonight!

I really hope Livers can come back this weekend!


From a stress fracture?