University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Oh ya ya do.

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Of course! Didn’t you read the fine print in the application?

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Yes, but one of the benefits is that you’re automatically enrolled into the “I hate OSU and Duke” club. :grimacing:


smh :man_facepalming:

But what if you have 1 kid at Michigan & the other at Florida State?

I recently realized that in my LOCI, I misspoke and stated that I was a National Merit Semifinalist instead of a Commended Student. Is this an issue worth writing an admissions officer to correct?

I think you should. If you realize a self reported test score, a course you said you were taking, or grade, or in this case an achievement is wrong you should alert them right away. Take the opportunity to add your continued interest & any additional achievements since your LOCI.


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See having gone to Maryland we too are in the I hate OSU and Duke club


@skkm0906 Going to Kansas of course we hate Duke. When one of my daughters told me she thought she wanted to apply ED to Duke I had to suck it up and not say NOOOO. We got there and Duke was gorgeous. We even snuck into Cameron arena. Well, it was unlocked so can’t say we really snuck in there, so that was kind of cool. Ultimately, she didn’t like them not having an undergrad business program and fell in love with UT and blew off applying to Duke ED so it worked out, but that would have been touch as Duke is definitely the Devil when it comes to bball. Fortunately, no one at UT cares about bball or else she would’ve never let me live down the 2 defeats they gave KU this year either.

Yes. It’s in the contract they sign. You have to automatically become a fan. Trust me if things get back to normal… It’s really fun taking in games.

And of course, Notre Dame is in the B1G for hockey, so there’s another team that you’re contractually obligated to root against too.

You MUST see a Michigan hockey game. It’s amazing in person. And of course they have a great team.

@srparent15 Spare me the Big Red smack talk. :grimacing:

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Well, we have to get in our licks against ND in hockey because UM doesn’t see them again in football until 2033!

Unless of course we see them in the CFB playoffs. :rofl:

Ok ok…you’re all forgetting one thing. If it weren’t for Covid and for the Ivy League sitting out this year, when all sports stopped last year, both Cornell Men’s and Women’s hockey teams were #1 in the country!! So next year, we will be back!!

There is nothing like seeing KU in Allen Fieldhouse…but trust me…there is nothing like seeing Big Red Hockey either!!

Haha…you knew that was coming! @sushiritto

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@wiscokat its not going to be fun, I have a S24 at FSU and will have a D25 at Mich. S24 is home this week🤦‍♀️ H is a Mich MBA and poor me a Terp. I get no respect!

@srparent15 I’m trying to locate that Michael Jordan crying meme right now. :sunglasses:

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I have a question for anyone, my D received an email about an advising session tomorrow between 3 and 7 tomorrow she doesn’t remember signing up for anything, is this standard?

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Has your D been accepted and has she committed yet? And what school?

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She has not committed, she was accepted to LSA during the “mini wave”. She really wants Ross, I know she withdrew all her other apps but for one other school. Maybe she isn’t getting into Ross?

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Let us know how it goes tomorrow. I will be interested what it is

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