University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

That’s correct. Commit somewhere else by May 1 to lock in a space and plan on ending up there.

If you get in from UM or Emory from waitlist, you’ll then have to decide what to do.

I know thought she talked about something else also…

I’m sorry I’m new to this thread. Does umich release results in waves?

Hardly any. Most international students will hear next Friday.

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Thanks! We have UT Austin and UCSD but prefer UMICH. Tough time.

If an academic college/school has space, they’ll look to see if it’s in-state, out-of-state or both. Then they’ll do a whole other selection process just like EA and RD rounds.

My daughter was deferred EA, and did not submit a LOCI, and so got the expected waitlist today! She declined the waitlist spot.

deferred from EA, waitlisted today

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Congrats to all of those who were accepted, best of luck to all of you wherever you may land!

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Same scenario for me, accepted today, OOS, CT Boarding School, 3.90 GPA and 1470 SAT I will be enrolling.


deferred EA and now waitlisted :sob:


deferred EA and waitlisted too :sob:


here’s a poll!

I haven’t gotten a decision yet. Should I be worried?


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rejected, oos

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i did

F do is it say you didn’t get in but can accept waitlist and some will get off in June?

bruh who thought they were rejected at first but read the last paragraph to find out they were waitlisted


what spurs michigan to reject vs. waitlist? i got rejected, and I’m not sure why they didn’t waitlist me.